MovieChat Forums > Kevin Spacey Discussion > Gay rapists are less condemned by societ...

Gay rapists are less condemned by society?

It seems to me that in general, if you have to be a rapist, being a gay rapist is the way to go. It's as if society doesn't care much about men being the subject of violence, as long as they are over 18.
I'm not saying they get a free pass or that it's condoned, but that between a straight rapist and a gay one, the general public prefers to talk and to punish the straight one, while the gay one is seen as something they'd rather not talk about.
If this guy gets away with the investigation like his fellow Bryan Singer, which could be innocent for what I know, their story will be placed in the "don't ask, don't tell" category of topics we'd rather stay away from.
Compare that to all the unforgivable straight cases of metoo (like, for instance, Louie CK....)


Let's be clear though, Spacey was never charged with rape.

I think he's a bit of a creep and an arrogant narcissist, but there's a difference between being a sleazebag and a violent predator.

You may be on to something though, it could explain why he came out when he did, as if announcing his sexuality somehow made his actions less repulsive. Which of course it didn't. All it did was make him seem like a coward and opportunist.

I don't know though, I think it's obvious that regardless of his sexuality his actions have ruined his career. And perhaps rightly so.


Maybe because all of his accusers keep dying. Wayyyy tooo coincidental and convenient.


Or probable murderers it seems. How many corpses have been dragged out of Ed Buck's house again?


All the time society's outlook remains close to gay men being promiscuous, there's going to be an attitude of they had it coming.

If a gay man raped a straight man, I'd imagine the victim would be shamed by concepts of masculinity, rooted in beliefs that gay men shouldn't be able to overpower him, or some other such BS.


I think it's not really about their promiscuity or perception of it.

I think it's darker than that, it's the "they had it coming" attitude but from a self rightous perspective: there's a judgment there, as if societies in general put themselves above homosexuals, thus see gay rape (=against a weak minority) as less condemnable than straight one (=against the normal majority).

So much for "All are equal before the law".


Seems like he's pretty condemned. Career is over.

There's not much more that can be done without someone taking him to court.


It's possible society doesn't really understand being a male rape victim. People may have a hard time even understanding or empathizing with female rape victims. Still, Spacey's career is over so that's some progress.


As a straight Man, I highly condemn gay rapists. That’s horrifying.


Straight rapists ok though, are they?

Horrifying. LOL! Suck it up sailor. Try being a single woman walking alone through a park at night. The likelihood that they will be attacked far outweighs yours.

How bout we condemn all rape and leave it at that?


I appreciate you adding to my comment with completely obvious statements.


Anytime champ :)



Well certainly if the lawmakers of California has anything to say about it.
