I think he is gay

He's a great actor but he's gay

"Guns don't kill people..People kill people"


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lol Thanks for starting the umpteenth thread on his sexuality.

But I didn't decide to comment because of that I decided to comment as I know for a fact he is NOT gay. (I am not saying he is straight either.)

Despite saying that, I don't think it matters what his sexual orientation is.

However, I have commented cause I think if I were in his position I would hate people thinking i'm something that i'm not (I read that interview from last December where the interviewer seemed to want Spacey to feel bad since gay men apparently happily claim him as their own. I mean what a troll!)


SIGH. I'm really sick of this thread. I agree with others on this board that it's sad that this is such a poignant point of interest on Spacey's board and at the end of the day I (nor should anybody else) do not care about his sexual preference.
Have you SEEN these pictures?
I've already stated my opinion (a longer opinion on another thread on this board) and what i've SEEN in real life.


> Have you SEEN these pictures?

I have. In no way, shape or form were Spacey and this guy holding hands or kissing on those blurred photos. There was nothing sexual about them actually. The whole thing was in the very inventive comments some hack made on them. That alleged « scandal » burst out in the Star shortly after Spacey’s second Oscar, and if my memory doesn’t fail me someone on this board linked that smear campaign to Spacey’s rather aggressive acceptance speech at the Oscars ceremony, suggesting it could have been a way for the gay clique that runs Hollywood to take a cheap revenge on him.

Oh and just for the record : here in Italy Spacey is well known for having had an affair with our gorgeous TV presenter Angela Melillo, That was in the early 2000s I think. She publicly laughed at that gay rumor back then. But apparently the Star didn’t find that story interesting enough. ;-)

Back to my submarine now. Grazie Chiarissima cara, for your nice PM !

I count on you, ragazzette mie, to bury this irrelevant discussion.

Baci a tutti !


do you not realise how insulting your logic is to gay people. oh cause that's someone's favorite actor, they're gonna be biased and want that person to not be gay; like being gay is a something bad!


I believe he likes both men and women.
He is soooooooooooooooooooooooo sexy!
Real hot man.
Even in Horrible Bosses, with that belly and unappealling character he plays, he is SO HOT!!!
And a fantastic actor. One of the most interesting actors around right now.
Love him.
