House of Cards

Have watched the first 4 episodes so far, and think it's excellent! Am loving Kevin's performance, and the rest of the cast (especially Robin Wright) are great, too...
The direct address is a brilliant idea (I like to think Kevin's talking to me, lol!), and definitely adds an element of dark humour, heheh!

What does everyone out there think?

Love is a force of nature


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Kevin doing a nude scene?!!! At his age and with his plumpness? You must be kidding!

"No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!" (Monty Python)


Kevin Spacey is the reason I'm watching HoC - by episode 4 - hes virtually taking over washington DC. And he frakking knocks the character out of the park. So bad, yet so awesome.


@ kentongroudon, @ Chiarissima, you never know!!! ;-D

@mrose48 Glad you are enjoying it, too... As much as i like to see him play the nice guy, Kevin is so good at playing bad!

Love is a force of nature


I wish I had Netflix, that's what I think.

'I was very shocked when my son told me his boyfriend was a homosexual.'


I'm watching the seventh episode and I love it. The exact type of character I want Spacey to play. And he's brilliant.


I just finished season one. The show and Kevin Spacey, in particular, are amazing.
