The Streaker...

Years ago a streaker ran across the stage at the Oscars and was immediately taken into the arms of security and was arrested. Where was security the other night? The streaker is arrested for nudity, but Will Smith assaults someone and gets an award and a standing ovation. Only in America.


That streaker ran a small shop in FranSancisco and eventually committed suicide.
So he hat THAT going for him.


I thought he was murdered.


You are absolutely right. I looked it up:
Robert Opel was murdered on the night of July 7, 1979, during an attempted robbery of his San Francisco studio by Robert E. Kelly and Maurice Keenan. He was 39. Kelly and Keenan are both serving life sentences for his murder.


R Kelly was active even back then...


The streaker was a nobody and not one of the "talent" so he was subject to the laws of the land. Burt Reynolds posing semi-nude for Cosmopolitan was also deemed controversial (even though female actresses of the time doing the same was not). Many believe this cost him the nomination for Best Actor in Deliverance. The moral of the story, when doing something naughty, err on the side of violence rather than sexuality... if you are part of Hollywood (all others disregard).


Yeah, Will being rich and famous is mostly what it comes down to. If a normal joe-schmoe slapped a co-worker, they'd be fired, arrested, and possibly sued in a heartbeat.


Oh, yes, they call him the Streak!
(Boogity, boogity)
Fastest thing on two feet
(Boogity, boogity)
He's just as proud as he can be
Of his anatomy
He goin' give us a peek!


Yup, that's the song too. ha ha


For YEARS I thought they were singing "Boogity, Boogity" too. They are actually singing "Look At That, Look At That".


Hah, you're right.
