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C'mon, MZupcak! A lot of middle-aged Hollywood actresses who seem to have no wrinkles use Botox and junk. Botox seems to take away a lot of the personality from the face. From what I've heard, Lis Shue apparently does NOT use Botox. I know there's a price to pay, but...


SHUT UP. She looks absolutely fantastic. Just saw her on the season finale of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' and she looks absolutely delish.



"What we need here is more cowbell!"...Christopher Walken


Looks fine to me as of recent. You must not have seen her on the season finale of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Soooo hot. Want to touch the hiney.

Logan, buddy. It's me, Deadpool! I shot youuuuuu....


Dude, WTF are you talking about? For a 46 year old woman, she is smoking hot. I would wreck that chick.

You know how I know you're gay?


The last I saw her in was Mysterious Skin, and... I don't think I'd have the chance with a woman that calibre. She's a fantasy woman, she is.
