MovieChat Forums > Elisabeth Shue Discussion > Why has her career gone nowhere?

Why has her career gone nowhere?

After Leaving Las Vegas she had major roles in several forgettable movies, but other than that, she hasn't done anything noteworthy. A talented actress who is straying farther and farther away from her prime with only Leaving Las Vegas as her noteworthy work? I don't get it.

"I said your an idiot because clearly you are a retard."- Seifertj


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"When was her prime before Leaving Las Vegas?"

Her "prime" refers to age. Everybody knows the older you get in Hollywood, especially for women, the less roles are available to you.

"I said your an idiot because clearly you are a retard."- Seifertj


I see 15+ films that she has been in since Leaving Las Vegas, none of them are noteworthy roles. I'm not quite sure what your point of posting in this thread is. Clearly you have no insight to the actual topic, my friend.

"I said your an idiot because clearly you are a retard."- Seifertj


Nicole Kidman's breakthrough performance was "To Die For," and has starred in other films like The Hours, Cold Mountain, Australia and Moulin Roulin Rouge and Dogville....All noteworthy.

You're right about the other two, they haven't starred in anything special either. Why is that?

Here's some others that have had major roles in noteworthy films and continued success:

Angeline Jolie, Hillary Swank, Jodie Foster (who has lost a little of her edge as well), Natalie Portman, Julia Roberts (who doesn't star/act in many movies by choice), Penelope Cruz, Salma Hayek, Scarlet Johansson, Keira Knightley...

I think you're missing my question. Was it by choice or just her agent not getting her good parts. Note only noteworthy roles, but leading roles in general, in any film.

"I said your an idiot because clearly you are a retard."- Seifertj


Well she was quite prominent in the 1980s. She was considered an up-and-coming star and featured in a string of prominent films including Karate Kid, Adventures in Babysitting, Cocktail, and Back to the Future 2. Just as the 90s began, though, she sort of dropped off and starred in more and more duds (commercial failures, don't know about their critical acclaim) until Leaving Las Vegas sort of gave her a momentary blip back on the radar. But since then, it's been mostly on and off.

I think a good deal of it has to do with her image. I think she was most successful when cast as the "girl next door" (and I happen to think these roles suit her best), but you can't really play the "girl next door" once you hit 30.
