MovieChat Forums > Brooke Shields Discussion > Is it sick that at age 20 Michael Jackso...

Is it sick that at age 20 Michael Jackson 'loved' 13 year old Brooke?

Pedophilia is defined as "a sexual preference for children, boys or girls or both, usually of prepubertal or early pubertal age (generally age thirteen and under). The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child."(Wikipedia)
Recently, most of world saw her crying over her love for Michael Jackson at his memorial service. She claimed that they were just two children who innocently supported each other as they struggled through the challenges of early fame. Several years ago, Michael was very clear in an interview with Barbara Walters that Brooke was his girlfriend and that he was in love with her at the time. That all sounded so sweet and innocent until I checked the ages of Brooke and Michael. He was twenty when they were dating.

First of all, I must say I admire Brooke as a woman. But, she had one of the most bizarre childhoods. At the age of twelve she played a naked prostitute in "Pretty Baby" whose virginity was sold to the highest bidder. At 14, she not only had more nude scenes in "Blue Lagoon" but simulated sex scenes also. How could her mother ever allow that?

People might say that Michael was very child-like so he might relate better to a younger person. But, that doesn't make it right!

Does anyone else think the age difference was pretty weird between Michael and Brooke? Could it be indicative of the early stages of a repressed need to be surrounded by innocence, or possibly something a bit darker?


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Well for a 20 year old to find a 13 year old attractive that is a bid odd and out of whack, but the problem nowdays is that people are coined as pedophiles for finding 16 or 17 year olds attractive. That is rediculous if you ask me, there is nothing wrong with finding 16 or 17 year olds attractive, they are quite grown up at those ages. For goodness sakes, in most states a person can drive at the age of 16. People were calling Joel Madden a pedophile when he was dating Hilary Duff because she was 16 and he was somewhere in his mid 20s. People are messed up when they say that. At 16 years old Hilary Duff was well developed, highly attractive, physically able to have children, and she had her driver's license so she was quite grown up. If you ask me, definately by the time is old enough to drive they are old enough for older people to find them attractive.

Now, we all know the rumors about Michael Jackson being attracted to nine year old boys although such rumors have come under the light of speculation and they are being questioned as to whether they are true or not. Paris Jackson herself said that Michael was the best father she could possibly imagine so I am starting to question those rumors myself. Somebody who does find nine year olds attractive, that is what you would call a pedophile. As for a person who finds nine year olds attractive, I would say that there is something really wrong with such a person and they seriously need to get help. Now, as for somebody who finds well developed teenagers attractive, lets be honest, who doesn't?


They MET when she was 13, they did not start dating until 1984 (the Grammys) when she was 19 ... so no there was nothing wrong with that at all.


Michael Jackson was in love with Diana Ross back then.


Brook was very mature for her age and Michael was very immature, so the age difference is not an issue.
I am grateful for her speaking at his memorial and making it personal. Most of us don't know Michael asa she was able to do. I would love to hear his laugh as she described it. I thinkk she did a wonderful job of relaying her relationship with Michael and how special he was.
