Her heritage

ok so she is American by nationality.
But what is her heritage? Looks like there could be some Southern European in there. French, Italian perhaps.

Eat the Neocons.


Irish, Italian, Spanish, German, French



Her father came from Italian nobility (her grandmother being a princess) but on the tv show who do you think you are she found out that the progenitor of the family was French with ties to saints and kings of France and Italy.


She is also part Romani (Gypsy).

viva La Revolucion!!


I dont see either of those tbh, and not just becoz the French and Italians are typically darker. well a bit of the latter perhaps but you definitely see her beautiful German heritage.

http://tinyurl.com/b3pscuu Lol Kstew haters


French and Italians arent typically darker.
thats bs.
there are plenty of dark haired, dark eyes germans.
and blonde and redhead French and italians. with light eyes.

Eat the Neocons.


Idiot. Whenever someone is beautiful people never want to believe it's because that person is Italian and/or Spanish. Funny because the most beautiful women come from there: Emily DiDonato, Alexandra Daddario, Bianca Balti, Vanessa Hessler and many more.


To add to what the others have stated, the trivia section also indicates that she is descended from Lucrezia Borgia which means she's also descended from Rodrigo Borgia AKA "Pope Alexander VI" who was himself a Spaniard. So, she has a very interesting lineage.
