MovieChat Forums > Steven Seagal Discussion > List of movies without strippers?

List of movies without strippers?

Serious request here, for someone with more free time than me. Could somebody please make a list of all the Seagal flicks that don't include a stripper or strip club scene? Or things of that nature? It seems pretty much every movie I've seen of him lately has that.

I want to show my son Steven Seagal flicks, but he's not THAT old yet.


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Why are you more cautious of your son seeing some nude strippers than seeing Seagal (and the villains in his films) gruesomely killing people?


I don't find the action in his films to be overtly bloody or gory, most of the time. With few exceptions, you don't see anything in his movies that you wouldn't see in any of the Marvel films, for example. Also, he knows violence is fake in movies. Now boobs and sexuality and stuff, that's a different story.

Thanks for your reply.


Oh my, I grew up in a time and country where TV had sunscreen commercials showing topless women, and I did not grow into a mass murderer or a sexual predator... I think our society has become way too sanitized.
How old is your son, if I may ask?


It's one thing to see such a commercial, it's another to see simulated sexual acts, breast groping, so in and so forth.

He's gonna be 8 soon. In a few years, it won't matter, but for now it's easier to explain violence to him than to explain sexy time. One step at a time chaps!

Plus I don't live with him per se, so I don't want his mom to think Im showing him porn or something.

Or maybe I could look into other movies that feature aikido action sequences? Would that be better? Any recommendations?


Above the law, hard to kill, fire down below, the glimmerman


Thanks for helping out, pal!


My mother never "hid" any stripper scenes or sexy scenes from me and I grew up with VAN DAMME(my childhood hero) movies, enough said, haha. Even happened to see some of those thrillers that were very sexy. I still don't understand what the big deal is for people like you. A naked person and sexy time should be much easier to explain than violence.
