MovieChat Forums > Martin Scorsese Discussion > Why does the Academy hate him?

Why does the Academy hate him?

He only has 1 Oscar for the Departed. He wasn’t nominated for Best Director for Taxi Driver, Silence, and more. He didn’t win Best Director for Raging Bull, Goodfellas, Wolf of Wall Street, and now The Irishman. Bong-Joon just won 4 Oscars in one night and Scorsese has 1 in 50 years.


He has nine nominations for directing, second only to William Wyler.

Bong won three Oscars - the award for International Feature Film is awarded to South Korea, not to the director, although he accepted it on their behalf. I’m sure if Scorsese wrote and produced more of his films he would have more wins.

The Academy loves and respects Scorsese, as evidenced by the spontaneous standing ovation for him when Bong paid tribute to him during his speech. Many other great filmmakers have fewer nominations, or in too many cases none at all. Whenever Scorsese has a film out it is always, at the very least, in the conversation for nominations, and since 2000 only ONE of his films has not received a nomination for directing/Picture.


According to IMDB, Boon has 4 Oscars. Also, Scorsese wasn’t nominated for Taxi Driver and didn’t win for Raging Bull and Goodfellas. Three of the greatest movies ever made.


No, according to IMDb Bong has three. The film has four.

He didn’t win for Raging Bull, that’s true, but that film’s critical esteem grew over time. Not being nominated for Taxi Driver looks like a huge oversight (especially as they gave it to Rocky, of all things, that year) but they have more than made it up to him since. They have immense respect for him - there is no sign of hatred at all, far from it.

Personally I don’t consider Goodfellas to be in the same class as Taxi Driver or Raging Bull, although I wouldn’t have minded him winning for it in such a weak year.


Are you sure about that. Because Raging Bull is pretty forgettable movie. Its a Story about a Asshole Boxer who likes underage girls. And he continues to be asshole until nobody wants anything to do with him. And he dosn't seem to learn or grow or change. Yeah one hell of a inspiration story that was. Then there Goodfellas. A Story about Henry Hill who says at the very beginning of the movie, his only aspiration is to be a Asshole Mobster. So he becomes an Asshole Mobster while being a asshole to his Wife. At lot people are murder, rape and drug use. Then he goes into witness protection program were we can safely assume he continues to be asshole. Henry dosn't grow, change or learn anything through out the movie. obviously this inspiration movie not overrated. And is better than every movie produced since the beginning of film itself. So Fuck You, Citizen Kane, 12 Angry Men, The Shawshank Redemption, Casablanca, Schindler's List, To Kill a Mockingbird. You suck.


Fuck off with overrated shit like Schindler's List. Goodfellas is in another stratosphere to that shite.


Yes the story about a man who saved thousands of Jews during Holocaust is obviously inferior to a shallow montage of a bunch of asshole murdering each other.


Yeah you just proved why Schindler's List is an overrated piece of shite. It's just Oscar bait material that relies on the subject matter for credibility. It's an overrated snoozefest that doesn't hold a candle to Goodfellas in directing, acting and especially in entertainment.


Sorry the movie was too long and didn't have enough action for your short attention span to handle. Also sorry that the suffering of 6 million innocent people wasn't entertaining enough for you, you're a horrible excuse of a person.


Looks like this racist idiot MovieChatUser497 is stalking me now.

"Also sorry that the suffering of 6 million innocent people wasn't entertaining enough for you"

Lmao like I said, schmaltzy Oscar bait trash that relies on the subject matter for approval. Obviously a conformist douchenozzle like yourself will automatically think its a great movie.


Lol you’re the one who likes the N word. And you stalked me on TDKR board so you have no room to talk. As for your last sentence unless you can provide any proof you’re just talking out of your anus. And it was more than just Oscar bait, it won that year and has gone down as one of the greatest films ever. But I guess someone with extreme ADHD like yourself can’t handle anything over 90 minutes that doesn’t have constant quips and explosions . You’re a complete joke


You're not interesting enough to follow. TDKR is a pretty well known movie and I made my own post there and happened to find a stupid thread made by you. You specifically came here just to reply to me hence you're a stalker.

"And it was more than just Oscar bait, it won that year"

Hence me calling it Oscar bait. Whether it wins or not is irrelevant to the fact that it's Oscar bait material. It's the same reason Moonlight was made. You take away the LGBT subtext and there's no way it wins Best Picture.


No you hunted me down, you have a very unnatural obsession with me and it’s quite disturbing. But that’s fine I enjoy putting you in it’s place.

Schindler’s List has gone down as one of the greatest films ever made, your only complaint is it was too long and boring which is simply the result of you not being able to handle anything over 90 minutes without constant explosions. This makes my claim about why you don’t like TDKR make so much more sense


"No you hunted me down"

Again, I made my own post on TDKR before I came across you. You have literally come here just to respond to me. Saddo.

"your only complaint is it was too long and boring"

Well now you're just making things up. I never said it was too long. Your debating tactics are dishonest and lack any coherence.


I don't believe you, I think you have some weird obsession with me and it's very disturbing, sorry dude I'm not like that. And Martin Scorsese is one of my favorite directors, it's beyond logical that I would stumble onto this board at some point in my life. Anything beyond that is a poorly thought out conspiracy theory on your part.

Also you described it as a "snoozefest" so my assertion was justified.

"Your debating tactics are dishonest and lack any coherence."

That's also a laugh considering I caught you strawmanning earlier, you're a total joke kid.


"I don't believe you, I think you have some weird obsession with me and it's very disturbing, sorry dude I'm not like that."


"Also you described it as a "snoozefest" so my assertion was justified."

Wrong. Something can be short and still be a snoozefest. So your assertion was made up.



Sounds like you've conceded that I was right the whole time. Get help you sick weirdo.

"Wrong. Something can be short and still be a snoozefest. So your assertion was made up."

Totally logical conclusion on my part.


Repeating something doesn't make it true. I never said Schindler's List was 'too long' therefore you made that up. And you're not even man enough to admit you made a mistake. Pathetic.


Because I didn't make a mistake, you're really reaching here kid.

"And you're not even man enough to admit you made a mistake. Pathetic."

Hilarious coming from the guy who accused me of playing with action figures when I never said I did nor even implied it, so it sounds like you're too much of a pussy to admit you made a mistake.

Be smart enough to recognize good advice when it's given to you: Don't bother watching Schindler's List, it's obvious you don't have the intelligence nor the attention span to handle anything deep. You're utterly pathetic.


"Because I didn't make a mistake, you're really reaching here kid."

You said my only complaint was that the movie was 'too long'. 'Snoozefest' is not synonymous with 'too long'. In fact snoozefest doesn't even imply length, it's just referring to a lack of entertainment value.

You. Were. Wrong. But you're too much of a weasel to admit it. So sad.


Snoozefest can imply length. If something drags on too long someone can then change their opinion from it being engaging to being a "snoozefest" so my assertion was perfectly logical. Schindler's List is one of the greatest films ever made, just about everyone who knows anything about film agrees with me, you're alone on this one, you're a joke and you need some serious therapy. Seek help kid.

Also it's beyond obvious that you want to argue whether you said the film was "too long" because you're too afraid to debate anything else.


"Snoozefest can imply length."

It does not explicitly imply length unless you take an autistic leap. And you had the rest of my posts to go by where I didn't allude to any issues with the length of the movie. In fact, I praised Goodfellas in the same sentence which isn't a short movie.

"just about everyone who knows anything about film agrees with me"

Lmao like I said, you're a conformist brain dead zombie. You probably wait for movie critic reviews before deciding whether you like something or not.


"It does not explicitly imply length unless you take an autistic leap"

Your personal attacks are dismissed and are non-effective. Also it was a much smaller leap than your pathetic little action figure assertion.

"In fact, I praised Goodfellas in the same sentence which isn't a short movie."

OK time for a little math lesson shit for brains: Goodfellas is 2 hours, 26 minutes, Schindler's List is 3 hours 15 minutes. Now can you tell me which one is longer??? You get a treat if you answer it correctly!

"Lmao like I said, you're a conformist brain dead zombie. You probably wait for movie critic reviews before deciding whether you like something or not."

I am going to debunk this point, I don't like Forest Gump or Lord of the Rings, if I was as you described me I would love those films just like I would have liked Dunkirk if your other baseless assertion was true.


"Your personal attacks are dismissed and are non-effective. Also it was a much smaller leap than your pathetic little action figure assertion."

LOL you're protesting way too much about my action figure joke, makes me think you actually do play with dolls. Which one is your favorite? Mr. Freeze?

"Goodfellas is 2 hours, 26 minutes, Schindler's List is 3 hours 15 minutes. Now can you tell me which one is longer???"

Your lack of reading comprehension skills is astounding. I never said Goodfellas was longer, I said it wasn't a short movie. Learn how to read numb-nuts.


Naw I’m just trying to hold you to your own standard and we’ve discovered that if that happens you get absolutely demolished. Answer the question shit for brains or are you too stupid to understand basic math?


Raging Bull is one of the greatest movies ever made. Are you a complete idiot or just a scum troll?


Taxi driver is not a great movie...


So you’re a stupid fool screw you troll


.taxi driver is a low budget overrated bore fest. And I am a Scorsese fan. Idiot...


Yup the movie went over your head it’s a consensus top 100 movie ever. Scumbag troll go watch Fast and Furious loser piece of shit


I don't care. Its mediocre and has all kinds of editing errors. Which I am sure you are too flipping stupid to notice you shitbag....


I’m glad you know more than every single person and movie critic you must be a genius. Piece of shit scumbag


Yes I do and I am. You fat piece of crap.


Keep licking the Cheeto dust off your fingers simple mind


He’s jewish and most of his movies are made for the male straight loner.


whats wrong with Jews you racist ahole yes his films have been Male Led doesnt mean there bad


Jews aren't a race. And it's "they're", not "there".


yes they are Jesus was one and people residing in Israel and those who are around you racist ass-hole


A black person who who preaches Judaism and lives in Israel can be a Jew.


explain why hitler targeted Israelis living in Germany and its neighboring they are a race you Neo-Nazi Trumper


I hate Trump and I despise Nazis. Maybe if you didn't think so narrow minded, you would be able to see the difference of what is being said here.

To answer your question: he didn't want Judaism being integrated within Germany in fear of losing out on the Catholic majority.


Wow you're a dumbass. Jews are a race. Do some basic research numbnuts.


Jews aren't specifically a race, but someone Black can practice Judaism and be a Jew. Practicing Judaism isn't specific to skin colour. Joogle83 even said that people who reside in Israel are Jews. They just admitted anyone living there can be one.

By the way, just doing a quick search at your post history shows that you like to start arguments with everyone.


The fact that being Jewish is interrelated to both race and religion doesn't change the fact that Jews are still a race.

Your specific words were - 'Jews aren't a race'. You are wrong. Deal with it.


It says "ethnoreligious group". It says right there on the Wikipedia page that an ethnoreligious group: "is an ethnic group whose members are also unified by a common religious background." You can't have just one, it needs to be unified with both.

Joogle83 said bigbadwolf666 is being racist, but how do you know he wasn't referring to the religious aspect?

Deal with it.


Ah so you're one of those stubborn idiots that can't admit when they're wrong.

"You can't have just one, it needs to be unified with both."

No, it doesn't. You can be ethnically Jewish and an atheist. Stanley Kubrick for example was an atheist and ethnically Jewish. He didn't cease to be a Jew because of his atheism. You are WRONG. Accept it and move on.


You seem to say that to a lot of people of in your comments. Did you ever think that maybe you're the problem? Your response proves exactly that.

Jews aren't a race. The term "New" is a broad term. In the link that you gave it it literally says:

Jews originated as an ethnic and religious group in the Middle East

It also says this:

Judaism shares some of the characteristics of a nation, an ethnicity, a religion, and a culture, making the definition of who is a Jew vary slightly depending on whether a religious or national approach to identity is used.

Also this:

Generally, in modern secular usage Jews include three groups: people who were born to a Jewish family regardless of whether or not they follow the religion, those who have some Jewish ancestral background or lineage (sometimes including those who do not have strictly matrilineal descent), and people without any Jewish ancestral background or lineage who have formally converted to Judaism and therefore are followers of the religion.

All of this is taken from the article you sent to me. You just like to start shit and it's proven in your comment history.


Lmao this is getting pathetic now. You're trying so hard not to be wrong it's hilarious.

Just let it go. You are 100% wrong. Jews are a race. Are you denying that Stanley Kubrick was Jewish despite being an atheist? No, you're not. Because then your entire argument crumbles. Just accept you're wrong and move on.


The fact that you said this proves you have absolutely no understanding of what I'm saying. Maybe if you weren't always on the attack with everyone on this site, you wouldn't be so quick to criticize.


Nobody cares what you're saying because it's factually wrong. Jews are a race. You are wrong. Let it go.


You care. You keep responding. And you just proved you weren't paying attention.


To put you in your place. I find it hilarious that this started from you condescendingly trying to correct someone with a factually incorrect statement. And now look at you, desperately trying to save face.


As I said, "Jew" isnt a race that's like saying temperature means weather. The term is more broad than that.


Lol that's the worst analogy i've read in a long time. But anything to avoid admitting you're wrong eh.


Exactly it doesn't make sense. That's the point.


No, I mean the use of the analogy itself isn't appropriate because Jews are in fact a race.

Let this be a lesson buddy, don't go around condescendingly trying to correct people when you don't even know what the hell you're talking about.


Between the two of us, you're the only one who's condescending. On your other comments you tell other people who state their opinions that they're wrong. In your eyes, it's only a fact of you agree with it.

But carry on, you're not making many friends on here.


This isn't about an opinion though, you simply made a factually incorrect statement and now you're cranking the gears to avoid admitting you were wrong. It's quite hilarious.


The so-called evidence you provided me had absolutely nothing to do with what I said.

I never said Jews can't be Athiests or Agnostic.


"I never said Jews can't be Athiests or Agnostic."

When you say Jews here you are referring to Jews as a race otherwise your sentence makes no sense. I'm glad you finally accept your mistake.


Read what bigbadwolf666 wrote again, and read the response.
"Jews" in an umbrella term. The response automatically assumed that bigbadwolf666 was racist.
How can he know it was about race when "Jews" doesn't specifically mean race?

Jews can be a race, but it's an umbrella term and in this context it's impossible to know how he meant it.


"Jews can be a race"

Bingo. Took us a while but we got there in the end. Well done.


You can be a white Jew, a black Jew, an Asian Jew. Therefore, Jews can be a race but they are not one collective race.

If you say you don't like Indians, that doesn't exactly mean it's racist because Indian can also be people who reside in India. You can hate Indians for their race, or you can hate them for being from India.

In this case, when they brought up scorse being a Jew, are they referring to him being a white Jew, or do they not like him because she practices Judaism?


"Therefore, Jews can be a race"

Again, well done. So your previous statement of 'Jews aren't a race' was a complete contradiction. I'm glad you finally admit your mistake.


When someone fills out a form, and they have to fill in their race, no one puts "Jew" because it's not a collective race. It's not a contradiction.


When Jews have to state their ethnicity/race, they put Jewish. Jew is just an abbreviation. What else do you think they put?

Lmao this is getting so sad now, i'm starting to feel sorry for you.


From a guy who makes fun of someone for being autistic, I highly doubt you feel that way.


Ah finally, no retort. Instead another thinly veiled attempt to deflect the argument towards a different subject.


Yours wasn't a retort. I said they don't write "Jewish", and you just said they do.


What do they write then? Pray tell.


White, black etc.


Lmao ok buddy. And i'm guessing Chinese people put 'yellow'.


Why would they put yellow? You can be a black person living in China, therefore you are Chinese.


Lol now you're confusing yourself with nationality. This entire conversation is comical.

You've already admitted that you were wrong and that Jews ARE a race. Now you're harping on about a hypothetical form. It's hilarious.


I'm not confusing nationality. Han Chinese are the majority ethnic group in China with 92%, but you somehow think that all Chinese ethnicities are the same. I said Jews can be a race. They can be white they can be black, but Jews itself is an interchangable word. There's a difference between saying Jews are a race (which I never said) and saying Jews can be a race.


"but you somehow think that all Chinese ethnicities are the same."

Nope, I didn't say that. You're trying to muddy the point now with your ridiculous hypothetical form.

"I said Jews can be a race."

Bingo. You've admitted you were wrong so many times now, this is healthy for you.

"I said Jews can be a race. They can be white they can be black"

Ah now you've screwed up again. White and Black are colors. Jewish people are specifically middle eastern semites or at least their ancestors were.

White and Black are just colors and completely ambiguous.


This is what you put:

Lmao ok buddy. And i'm guessing Chinese people put 'yellow'.

Han Chinese is an ethnicity. There are also Asian ethnicities in China. You brought up yellow, not me.


I've had some encounters with this idiot as well and he seems to have a lot of issues. Either he's just a horrible excuse of a human being or he's really immature and doesn't get enough attention at home which is why he comes on here to just start things up and tries to get under people's skin. I think he needs to go out and find some real friends.


80% of his posts are starting fights with people. Just look at his comment history. Even his first post ever is an attempt to start a fight. He doesn't understand that people can have a different opinion than him.


He’s a pathetic excuse of a person. A few weeks ago he tried to tell me the N-word was a term of endearment and then called me a slave master when I told him no one should use that word. He doesn’t have anything intelligent to bring to the table, he has the maturity and insight of a sixth grader


I've seen him call people autistic on here. He's very immature.


Yeah I’m on the spectrum and he continuously tries to insult me because of it. It doesn’t work though because I’m a lot more mature than he is. It’s like his default when he’s run out of things to say.


You should report it.


It’s fine I can rise above it, he thinks he’s getting under my skin but he’s not. He’s a pathetic , immature man baby


Lmao I just noticed this pathetic convo. You're like two girls at a support group for battered wives.

"Yeah I’m on the spectrum and he continuously tries to insult me because of it."

You use the fact that you're on the spectrum as an excuse to be a total asshole. You're not immune to criticism because you're autistic.

"He’s a pathetic excuse of a person. A few weeks ago he tried to tell me the N-word was a term of endearment blah blah blah"

This is the saddest thing i've seen from you yet - a biased paraphrasing of our conversation from a week ago to a complete stranger. The fact that you're still harping on about it shows how badly I destroyed you.


Haha Haha whatever you have to tell yourself to be able to look in the mirror and not vomit (that can’t be easy)


Did poor Liquid Ocelot get his feelings hurt because two people were talking behind his back? Take a hint, you're the problem.


lol I think he just got his period. I‘ve completely given up having an intelligent conversation with him by this point


Aw you two should share a candlelit dinner together and talk about your woes. The way you're both trying to reassure each other is a pathetic sight to behold. I'll leave you two to it.


Naw, putting you in your place online is good enough for me


No, after talking to you for so long we want to talk to intelligent people to cleanse our palette.


cuz his style is getting outdated he is still a renowned filmmaker though he is the last of the New Hollywood wave along with Spielberg since Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas and Brian De Palma have Retired he may retire soon


Quality is never outdated.


Maybe the Academy not impressed with one movie after another about some raging asshole who ruins there lives or ruin someone else life for whatever reason. I love movies were im suppose to have sympathy for someone who like to rape, murder, or ruin another human being financially. Outside of movies like Hugo, The Age of Innocence, The Last Temptation of Christ, Shutter Island. Hes pretty much a one trick pony. At least Stanley Kubrick branch out and didn't do same shit over and over. One year he did a movie about Spartacus. The next he was doing some satire on Military power. But little Scorsese keeps on making movies about Raging Asshole. No wonder why he hate escapist entertainment like the marvel. I think having someone doing something Nobel or Heroic in a Movie might be offensive to him.


I don't think it hates him.


False premise


He made a few good movies. He also has a career in a time of other great directors like Speilberg, Kubrick, Cameron, Eastwood, Zemeckis, Jackson, etc...

Personally, I find him overrated most of the time, but he's earned his respect regardless of my opinion.

Finally, why care about an award that's been nothing but another ignored platform used by self important celebrities who complain about politics on stage? Seriously, people purchasing his movies and enjoying them is as better measure of his talent than a trophy.


Screw off troll you’re a complete fool get a life scumbag


Oh? You don't agree? Move o to a
Another comment if you're so bothered.


Stupid no life troll


At what point did I troll you?
-Was it the fact that I pointed out that he earned his respect?
-How about the fact that he created movies under good competition?
-Are you crying because I personally find him overrated?
-Are you upset that my description of the Oscars is not passionately?

Either way, your response is hilarious. Your comments sound like my five year old niece when she's cranky.


Keep trolling and why would you talk about your niece like that sociopath.


Why is everyone a scumbag troll to you? Even when they agree, you call them a troll or a scumbag. Are you fragile?


dont wory MrMovie has mental issues, he needs therapy, everyone who disagrees with his mainstream media shaped ideals, is a troll, nobody can help him.


I figured as much. Funny thing is, I didn't disagree with him and he thought it was trolling. Poor kid.


Einstein you’re a troll you said Scorsese hasn’t made a good movie since Taxi Driver which makes you a troll.


well you sound very triggered mrmovie, we all know you have serious issues, you need therapy, for a VERY LONG TIME.


I see him as a maverick director in Hollywood. Made very unPC films even before the term was invented.

Hollywood generally gives awards to directors who make films with a wide appeal, and have a uplifting message.

Scorecese films, while great, dealed with some of the darker aspects of human behavior.
