MovieChat Forums > Winona Ryder Discussion > making stupid faces

making stupid faces

Saw a clip of the ensemble cast on stage and wondered who was the obnoxious woman making those stupid faces. Very disappointed to find out it was Winona Ryder, an actress I always liked in the past and for whom I have felt some sympathy. I find her behavior childish and attention-seeking and it makes me wonder if she is still challenged by mental health/addiction issues.


I think she was very drunk.

Feel your heart beat.


i think she was glad and finally showed herself again. people like you ore other trolls will put her right in her shield again. i won't allow it! you hear me! i wont! ow btw, last saturday i was drunk too, less people but what an ass i was, just like you wen you are sober...


i find you a ass.. and i dont even know you ;-) do you know her?


Creating profiles here to defend yourself (oops, I mean her) only diminishes you, Winona.

...then whoa, differences...


hahahaha...well that would be the greatest compliment i could ever get. so im a woman who reads books and does acting. im an miljonair boring myself here with you? Get real little man... dammn, you trolls.. freaking nutch!


You're only digging deeper.

...then whoa, differences...


I don't understand you. Just take some air, breathe, calm down. Just because I'm stating she was drunk, that doesn't make me an ass nor a troll. She was drunk, that's for sure.

Feel your heart beat.


She was drunk, that's for sure.

She was? You are saying therefore that you personally administered and handled breath, blood and/or urine samples and with proper care in maintaining the rules governing chain of custody, read the results, a procedure by virtue of your medical degree and license, you are qualified to interpret?

That's how "certainty" is obtained in diagnosis of intoxication.

Get lost. Practicing medicine without a license is a criminal offense punishable by up to 20 years in prison in many states.
