MovieChat Forums > Meg Ryan Discussion > Will she ever return to acting again.

Will she ever return to acting again.

The last film I seen her in was The Woman in 2008 and all I remember was that she directed some film with Tom Hanks in it(which I never seen as it was never released here where im from). But I miss her acting in films. Sure she was branded the queen of romance but still she was a very good typecast actress.


I didn't even realize she was still alive.


Questions are usually terminated with a QUESTION MARK and not a period, Lisa. I guess you reflect the mentality typical of the Ryan fan.

She hooked up with Russel 200-pounds-ago Crowe. She does not have a lot of foresight.

So, no, she’s gone and barely remembered. She was a tapioca pudding of a celebrity.


It is quite possible that English is not the OP’s first language.


She will definitely come back and do a big round of movies where she plays the old woman in ensemble pictures, like Diane Keaton and others have done.
