MovieChat Forums > Parker Posey Discussion > Has she ever dated a woman?

Has she ever dated a woman?

I thought I read somewhere that she's dated both men and women. But when I did a search later on I could only find the names of her male...datys?

If you keep looking at me, you'll see me kill you.


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She had a fling with Heather Graham!

But wait - that was only in a movie: "The Oh in Ohio" (2006)

Oh, my - I hope I haven't started a rumor! That would be so terrible!


Yeah, I also read that she was on some sort of list for actresses that lesbians find attractive. Maybe that stemmed from the Heather Graham incident.

If you keep looking at me, you'll see me kill you.


Damn it, dykotomy, you got my hopes up that you knew something I didn't, and Heather was doing more under those sheets than anybody knew (and who could blame her). May still have to write my second piece of Parker Posey erotica based on that, or an eruption of sapphic feelings between Parker and Brooke Shields after "The Kiss" in "The Misadventures of Margaret".

juvie, sadly in the 11-plus years I've followed her off and on, I've never heard of her going out with other ladies. But, I have hopes, knowing her to be the open-minded, worldly woman she is. And it was an poll of women that had Parker as one of the 100 sexiest women. Came to the conclusion then that women have better taste in women than men do, as I've never seen the Goddess Parker Posey on a Maxim, FHM, or any other such list. In the words of Wallace Shawn in "The Princess Bride", "INCONCEIVABLE"!


Sick of the gay stuff. Can't anybody be straight anymore!


Are you serious? The vast majority of humans are straight.

I don't like the way blood money spends.
