
His wife has filed for divorce, wonder what when wrong?


bad sex? or bad person?

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What if this time the woman is the "bad person"?
Here is an interesting writing from a few weeks ago, how she probably cheated on him while she pretended she didn't...

http://blueboulevard.tumblr.com/post/103582475899/are-gary-and-alex-st ill-together-or-not


maybe so. but i want to get to know one of his ex wives, but she has no twitter or facebook page so i can ask her out :(

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She probably decided she wanted her own children, he didn't.

Anyone got links to the pictures of Alex with her new man?


Alex has been dating Andrew Gray McDonnell for a while. Fans are wondering if there was an overlap.


Note the classy post from Donya Fiorentino. 


I can't stand his ex-wife Donya lol! seems like such a bitch! because she is! and she got all her kids taken away to prove it! So there you go! The only two decent wives of Gary are Lesley Manville who is still his friend and Uma Thurman it's so obvious! Alex kinda seems like she might be like his third one the way she is acting in the press about the divorce. Why doesn't Gary ever file first I will never understand this.


Donya is crazy. She always was. For some reason her Facebook switches from private to public from time to time and I could read some of her posts on different things or see a bunch of pics of her children and Fincher and Gary. She comes off a bit obsessed by her exes actually.
It's funny how she kinda bashed and made snarky comments about Alex over the years, but when she heard about the divorce she immediately wanted to contact her on Instagram (Alex deleted that post LOL) and it looked like from a FB post that Donya was disappointed to learn the divorce announcement was "publicity stunt".
I have to say I'm quite disappointed in Alex as well and while she turns out to be a bit like Donya, hopefully she is not that crazy. Funny how they even look-a-like a bit, some photo captions from different events over the years called her Donya. Coincidence? LOL
Nice picture of the "classy" Alex... 


Donya is a crazy trainwreck. It’s hard to look away. To this day she still posts on gossip sites about GO and DF.

I wonder why it took a year before Alex filed for divorce? Perhaps to see how they felt apart? Alex always seemed very classy but a few things have made me reassess this opinion. I remember reading an article about how Alex and Gary met, it sounded a bit like Alex pursued Gary via Douglas. Now she is trying to re-launch her career on the back of a divorce  Anyone know how old Andrew Mc is? Looking closely at pictures he appears older than I originally thought. He models for himself a lot on instagram, doesn't he?

Why doesn't Gary ever file first I will never understand this.

Could it be something to do with divorce settlements? I feel like there's a legal reason.
