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When a pos like Jonah Hill gets nominated for an Oscar and a brilliant actor such as Oldman doesn't, that tells me all I need to know who runs Hollywood!


When a pos like Jonah Hill gets nominated for an Oscar and a brilliant actor such as Oldman doesn't, that tells me all I need to know who runs Hollywood!

I agree with this 100%


Only problem with that statement is Oldman was nominated. If Hill won one and Oldman never had, I'd back you up.


Does he still hate jews?


It's not hate to point out an obvious fact that even most Jews acknowledge to be true. Check out this article:

Personally, I think its discrimination the way they treat non-Jewish gentiles. But, that's ok, right? Gentiles have never had anything atrocious done to us. We just took down the Nazis, making it possible for all of those Jews to come over here in the first place.
