MovieChat Forums > Mike Myers Discussion > I just meet him :) In NYC

I just meet him :) In NYC

I work at a condominium in NYC and he just walks into the lobby asking about buying a place, I didn't pick up on it at first, but when he walked in I was like I know this guy, then after a few seconds and I seen his mole on his chin I was like holy *beep* it MIKE MYERS, I said you look like mike myers and he responded that's because I am lol. We shook hands and that was it. Very friendly guy. Never know what to expect in ny lol

"Somebody call my momma"


Tbh, most celebrities (unless they are notoriously difficult) are pretty average and good-natured in person so long as you don't make a big deal out of it. (Aka, don't chase them down, don't bother them, don't "worship" them, only chat if they initiate or seem up for it, etc.)

People seem to forget that celebrities are just regular people. Fame/wealth doesn't inherently change a person. (Outside of maybe somewhat less patience if they're hounded/bugged a lot while out and about.)

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


Good that he didn't mind been recognized, alot of actors hate that.
He can have a bit of a difficult personality and sometimes he snaps,
I know that because I have run into him too in San Antonio but he is
not hateful. Is he a Christian?
