MovieChat Forums > Julianne Moore Discussion > What's your favorite Julianne Moore movi...

What's your favorite Julianne Moore movie?

Really glad she won the Golden Globe! My favorites are:

1. The Big Lebowski
2. The Hours
2. Children of Men

Some references to her top imdb rated movies here


Ditto, very happy on her win.

From what I have seen, yet to see Still Alice my personal picks are:

Boogie Nights - simply stunning in every scene.

Map to the Stars - delicious performance.

She's flawless in everything she's done she never forces a character or performance, she just simply inhabits a character.


She is just amazing, so happy for her win in Still Alice. I absolutely adored her in The hours, cannot believe the spotlight was on Kidmans average performance...

The hours
Boogie Nights
The kids are alright


She's stunning in everything, I adore her


Favourite of her films: Short Cuts

Favourite of her performances: The End of the Affair, followed by Boogie Nights.


Boogie Nights


Vanya on 42nd Street.


there are 3 answers for this questions:

1- any movie for Julianne Moore because she makes any movie better and good movie.

2 any movie for her that she has sex scenes and nudity on it becasue she really makes very good sex scenes and had done a lot of them.

3- i must see all her movies to pick a one and i did not see all her movies.

you saw all her movies or all her movies since the 90s?

i went to see INCEPTION 5 times... !!!


the big lebowski
benny & joon
