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I hope so!


I've heard from people who work on set that Lynch intends on retiring after the two new seasons of Twin Peaks. Which makes sense, he's been in a state of semi-retirement from film for awhile.


Damn. If only he had put out a few more films. It was a good run Mr. Lynch. Luckily his movies will live forever as masterpieces of cinema and the stepping stone for future filmmakers to come.


Does anyone know why Lynch went into semi-retirement after the release of "Inland Empire"? I sometimes wonder if he was just frustrated with the fact that no one wanted to distribute that film and that the film failed to make any kind of splash.


Apparently, it's just a matter of the big fish abandoning him. Don't think the IE experience would have really stopped him from developing any projects looking good enough to pursue otherwise, even though he did express certain doubts at one time or another.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


As DL fans I think we're incredibly lucky he ended up directing all the episodes of the TP revival. Looked like it wasnt gna happen there for a moment.
That being said I really really wish he'd do one more film but sadly it's all about money and profit more than ever.
Real film is dying and has become mostly crappy computer hack jobs. You're going to see less and less of works similar to lynch unfortunately.
Entire cg movies will become more common and even acting will start dying. Enjoy it while you can, it makes you appreciate film alot more when you realise where it's headed.


I don't think so. I think Inland Empire represents the full extent of the Lynchian style before you start really losing the narrative. I'm just not sure he has anywhere left to go, that's why he started focusing on music. With the Twin Peaks revival, I think he wanted to come back because it was unfinished, and now he has a chance to wrap it up properly.
