MovieChat Forums > Val Kilmer Discussion > He is 165 pounds now!

He is 165 pounds now!

Val Kilmer just posted from his facebook account that he is 165 pounds.. and accepted Top Gun 2.. cant wait to see him back in action opposite Tom Cruise!


He also has a ventilator in his throat to help him breathe and most likely has cancer of the throat.


I'm not a devout Christian, nor am I the best Catholic, but as the saying goes, "where two or more are gathered in my name.." - we each should send up a prayer in Val's name to the God of our understanding and perhaps our collective faith in Val's recovery will help him to heal and keep entertaining us. What worries me is that he is not getting conventional medical care, but relying on holistics and herbal means. Here's to a year of improved health for Val in 2016!


You do not know what kind of treatment he is receiving, so stop speculating.


Damn dude, nailed it!

I believe he does have throat cancer. The way Val's weight fluctuates is unhealthy. You can't sit there and drop or add several pounds at the flick of a switch.

The way cancer works on a body is weird. You'd figure we'd have a cure by now, but these pharmaceutical companies would be bankrupt.

I hope he beats it if the rumors are true. He has such a distinctive voice, but I wonder if it was in the early stages when filming "Tombstone". I heard that role took a huge toll on him at the time.

He may not make it for the "Top Gun" sequel.


Few if any cancers hang around for 20 years without killing the person. He would never have had it during Tombstone. As he would be dead by now.

Sincerely hoping he is cured of the disease.

As for the 'pharma companies would be broke' if there was a, no. Who do you think would make the cure?
Anyone who has gone through cancer, or seen it, knows that the disease is incredibly difficult to treat. Even if one beats it, it may return, and if it does, it will be more resistant to treatment. It builds up an immunity, so to speak. And that's why, if it returns, it usually means it's fatal.


Not true every human has cancer it is kept in check. (How we do not know)

Different types and stages.

It was said people cant survive Parkinson for 20 years MJF has done very well with it.

Look at the late Stephen Hawkins he was told he wouldn't make it to 40 and look how that turned out he lived until 76 which is even a good life expectancy for a normal person (he was diagnosed when he was around 20)

No cure for any type of cancer (remission only)

Again you are not making sense Big pharma are in business to make long term profit cures do not make profit if you have a disease which effects almost every one at some stage how is getting a payment of a few thousand to cure good business compared to receiving millions.

Disease management this is how health care works now and its pushed by the likes of big pharma diabetes type 2 can be reversed through correct diet yet what do they push pills.

Common cold requires 0 treatment and none are even effective yet again what is pushed claiming to help more meds.

Cancer does not build up immunity who is feeding you this BS no a persons immune system is destroyed by the treatments which are to kill the cancerous cells to do this you need to remove what is protecting them this leaves people vulnerable to all sorts its very complex.

What you read from a lot of these charities or foundations are pushing agendas not science facts.


Maybe they removed his thyroid as they did mine when I got cancer. That would cause a weight fluctuation. People need to stop talking about his weight when they have no idea what is happening to him medically. Steroids, which is something that is given along with cancer-fighting drugs, cause a lot of weight gain.


How the hell he got throat cancer?
He distriuted supplies in Iraq such as food, medicine and baby food. I loved that guy!
