MovieChat Forums > Tommy Lee Jones Discussion > This guy has met people I know, and has ...

This guy has met people I know, and has been very VERY...

Rude and mean! I have two stories to tell you, both true. I live in San Antonio, as does he, so running into people who have met him isn't hard. This isn't a big city. Maybe he was just having bad days, but these stories are about 10 years apart, so this guy seems like a dick 24/7. This isn't an anti-Tommy post, as I like some of his movies. Hes a great actor, but appearantly not a great guy in real life....

First story:

My brother was working at a Blockbuster Music at the time, about 10 years ago. It was right before closing around midnight when a very beautiful young woman walked in and starting browsing the shelves. After about 30 minutes, my brother (the only one there at the time) told the lady they were closing and she would have to leave. After about 10 more minutes, a man walked in yelling at the top of his lungs. This man was Tommy Lee Jones. From what my brother has told me many times before, he was screaming obscenities at her and my brother. Things like "What the *beep* is taking so GODDAMN LONG?!" and lots of other mean things. Basically his girlfriend or wife or whatever was shopping while he was waiting in his limo outside and he got tired of waiting and went on a rant. Not cool, but then again, it couldve been a bad day... I dont know.

Story two:

This was about 1 year ago. At the time I was working the footwear department at a local sporting goods store. It was a busy time of year, as the holiday season was upon us and people were everywhere. Tommy Lee Jones walks into the store and heads straight to the appearal department for (supposively)workout clothes. As he searched the racks for whatever he was looking for, one of the girls working that department approached him and said "OMG! Tommy Lee...blah blah" and all that, and then said "Can I have your autograph?" Big mistake. Tommy then said " Little lady Id appreaciate it if you just left me the hell alone". And then he walked off.

Both of these happened pretty much word for word as I told. This guy doesnt seem like a people person. Ive heard from other people who have met him that hes a jerk, so Im guessing that there are more stories from other folks.

Anybody else here have any REAL stories to share as well???


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I didn't even have to read that to guess that he was jerk. He acts like one in his movies so I would think that he would be like that in real life


he is a douche.
you can tell.

he's probably mad because he sucks as an actor.


U know guys! **** u all! There are plenty of the REAL stories that show him in a GOOD way! As a really kind person! And what IS MEAN, is to write such things which have no proof by it! I won't deny that it could happen so, that he could be rude, angry or in a bad mood... BUT, that doesn't reveal the actual personality of a man! So better keep ur mouth shut!


I don't give a crap...that doesn't change the fact that his acting perfomance is good. I don't care if Mell Gibson is a jew racist...I still think Braveheart rox and he is somewhat one of my favouriote moviefilm actuers.


Mel Gibson a good actor are you drunk? Have you seen Signs? I bet you haven't that'll change your mind right there. Just because Mel Gibson was in a good movie Braveheart doesn't change who he is and how crappy of an actor he is!


Tequila Sunrise, Lethal Weapon 1,2,3,4, Payback, Braveheart, The Patriot...all quality movies. Every actor has their pros and cons. Every actor has their bad movie once in a while. You can't only ask for perfection. Even quality actors like Al'Pacino and Robert De Niro have their bad movies. You're just a troll anyway...why do I bother responding :S
