MovieChat Forums > Samuel L. Jackson Discussion > Possibly the Greatest Career of All Time...

Possibly the Greatest Career of All Time...

Don't misunderstand me. I don't think he's the greatest ACTOR of all time. (But He's Up There). But, he probably has the greatest career of all time. I mean, come on, who else can you call a Jedi, an Avenger, and play some of the greatest Tarantino roles ever. This guy's career just can't be beat. I'd love to hear some of your objections and who you think has the best career.


Yeah the guy has one hell of a track record: the star wars films, almost all Tarantino's, some great work with Spike Lee, and now all of the Marvel films, not to mention great one off films like Unbreakable and Jurassic Park.


He is currently holding the title of most earned BO dollars his numbers are well over 10 billion dollars. He has a career that has him with co-stars who are more responsible for the audience draw and he is the character actor that holds a movie together and reaps the benefits of the BO. When there is so much discussion of who can carry a movie these days, I think the best place to be is in the background and it does pay very well who care whose name is on top.


He will put that to the test when Nick Fury hits screens.

I'll be seeing it. Partly for him, and partly for interest in the story.

At the same time, he has done many smaller films that got a chance to be funded because of his presence, whether or not they made money. And as is the case with all actors, the star system is an unstable currency and it really does come down to the premise of each film - if Harrison Ford wears a fedora, he will have a hit.
Names don't make hits.

Jim Carrey had a good run, and I know he is talented, but he isn't likely the same brand name product as the Ace Ventura days.


Harrison Ford's career could be argued to be of equal.
- 3 Star Wars films
- 4 Indiana Jones'
- 2 Jack Ryan's
- The Fugitive
- Witness (Oscar nomination)


Air Force One was pretty solid as well.


and dont forget ridley scott Blade Runner ,,,, in my opinion ,, its his best performance





the original poster is just not right. it's not the greatest career in Hollywood ever but it's one of the most successful, that's for sure. he's made so much money and been an integral part in a lot of classic or great films. but success does not equal quality. and so he's not even close to someone like Harrison Ford or Tom Cruise or even Brad Pitt's career. Nicolas Cage, Johnny Depp, Bruce Willis, all these actors have had better careers than Samuel L. Jackson. He's had a great run in the last 20 years, since Pulp Fiction put him on the map but his career hasn't even been close to as great a career as any of the actors I listed's careers.
