MovieChat Forums > Helen Hunt Discussion > What happened to her face?

What happened to her face?


she's not using botox that's what happened. Though she hasn't aged as well as most people, I do admire her for choosing to not use plastic surgery and botox to keep up.

cause this is what normal women look like when they're older. There is no shame in that.


I applaud her for not going the way of the knife or filling her face with poison. Well done Helen, you are a natural beauty and a great talent!




This is what normal women look like when they're older? She's turning 45 in a week. That's not old. I agree it's admirable to not automatically opt for plastic surgery and botox to cover up one's natural aging, but c'mon now. I think we can all admit she is not aging well at all. That is not the face of a 45-year-old. Honestly, I'm still shocked that's her. I mean, she's still a very talented actress and a natural beauty, and that's what's important, but look at her list of upcoming projects... zero. With extreme wrinkles like that at her age, you can bet she will get some kind of work done if she gets something lined up in the near future.

I'm Cured! Praise God!


you are a natural beauty

She maybe natural, but she is not a beauty.


If that is really Helen Hunt -- which I don't believe it is -- that is not natural beauty; that is the face of someone who is sick either physically or mentally. Either way it's not natural beauty.

Now if you want to see the face of a woman who is aging naturally and beautifully look at Jamie Lee Curtis. She is not beautiful in the definition of Madison Avenue -- the air-brushed fake-looking beauty -- but a woman who is comfortable in her own skin; a woman who doesn't need the poison of Botox or anything else the women of Hollywood feel a need to use. THAT's natural beauty.


That is not the face of a 45-year-old. Honestly, I'm still shocked that's her.

You bet it isn't!
That CANNOT be a genuine photo. No way.

And if it is... then she must be (God forbid - not that I am a fan, but I am a human) severely ill.

But the reason I came here is because I just saw another photo of her that shocked me, in which she looked ninety years old (I am not kidding: she looked like a blond clone of my g-grandmother). And because I am an airhead, of course, but that's a given...

Still, I cannot believe that she really looks like that. She is not "aging naturally", much less is she "getting old". People at her age simply cannot look like that, unless they are suffering from some pathological condition.
Sunshine (and all the toxins imaginable) can only accelerate aging so much.

But I don't believe it's a genuine photo.
If it were real, that sagging would be visible in other recent photos (regardless of make-up).


Sorry but that is her. I seen her on Leno, and she just looks ill.
