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He defeated ex wife....only has to pay a few hundred thousand

Mel is looking pretty good now.

Oksana Grigorieva is only getting a few hundred thousand instead of many was the original settlement...because she broke the agreement terms. Haha

His new film is going to be a huge success.

He is w a smoking hot girl and is expecting another child.

Looks like things r turning around.


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Things are turning around, but not because of O.G.

First, they were never married.

Second, neither of them "won." They both lost. There are no winners in an ugly custody battle.

Fortunately, Mel is healthy and happy now, and he's paying extra child support so that his 6 yo now lives full time in Malibu, splitting time between her two parents. Mel is putting his daughter first, not his pocketbook.

Hacksaw Ridge will be both a critical and commercial success, and "The Professor and the Madmen" looks promising as well.

Despite her young age, Rosalind Ross seems to have wisdom that Oksana Grigorieva lacked. My guess is that the training regimen required of world champion athletes requires a certain maturity level.


Everybody said the same in the beginning of Mel and O.G.'s relationship.

We'll see just how loyal this new girlfriend really is once the baby is finally born and thus the "honeymoon" phase is finally over (and Mel starts delegating the diaper changes and such to her, just like he did to O.G. as he clearly admitted in interviews).


No, no, we didn't. Mel and Oksana were together 2-3 years before the first public hint of them being a couple (set pictures from Edge of Darkness and spy photos from the Costa Rica beach). It wasn't a secret to their friends and family (Mel was with his kids in Costa Rica), but it was a big surprise to the public, who didn't know that Mel and Robyn had separated.

During that time (2007-2010), Mel did not seem especially healthy or happy.

Then Oksana got pregnant, Robyn found out, and she filed for divorce. The rumor mill was that Mel was very unhappy about Robyn divorcing him, and he looked miserable in photos taken the next day.

Mel and Oksana quickly did an unannounced red carpet appearance at the Wolverine premiere, so that the public would find out they were dating before finding out she was pregnant. Shortly thereafter, Mel announced the pregnancy at an already scheduled Leno appearance. He tried to put on a good face, but he was clearly embarrassed by the whole situation. After Lucia's birth, Mel did promotion for Edge of Darkness, and the press publicly speculated on how "unhealthy" he seemed (this was a few days after the alleged DV incident). Mel resented Oksana on some level for the end of his marriage and the ensuing bad press, and he was tied to her by a baby.

This situation is different. Oksana was a rebound relationship at a time when Mel was dealing with guilt and anger over Robyn leaving him.

Rosalind isn't a rebound relationship from Oksana. (Mel was with Nadia for 2+ years? before Rosalind). Mel by all appearances is mentally and physically healthy, and his relationship with Rose was never any kind of unhealthy secret from the public.


Very smart that he didn't marry her...I thought they were married.


Mel and Oksana broke up in 2010. Robyn's divorce from Mel wasn't finalized until late 2011. The whole "mistress" aspect to Oksana was one reason why her relationship with Mel was so unhealthy.


"Then Oksana got pregnant, Robyn found out, and she filed for divorce. "

So you're saying everybody knew Mel and O.G. were a couple except the wife?!!!!

Or you mean she found out about the pregnancy?

I mean, she was OK with them being just separated (but still legally married) for him to already have a girlfriend?!!!


So you're saying everybody knew Mel and O.G. were a couple except the wife?!!!!No, Robyn knew.

Or you mean she found out about the pregnancy? Yes.

I mean, she was OK with them being just separated (but still legally married) for him to already have a girlfriend?!!!Yes. Robyn filing for divorce didn't really change the status quo other than to begin the legal process to divide their assets. Since Mel's DUI he had been living in a different house in Malibu. They managed to work out child custody and money arrangements without needing to go in front of a judge. Keep in mind, at some point (I'm not sure when), Robyn got a boyfriend of her own. Neither Mel or Robyn was in any big rush to finalize the divorce settlement.

Mel and Robyn still get along to this day. Here's a picture of them together last year:

Also, keep in mind that from Mel's POV, Robyn is still his wife. He can't remarry in the church without an annulment, and I don't think he will seek one.

EDIT: I think the reason Robyn filed for divorce, besides the embarrassment of Mel fathering a child with his mistress, was to protect her half of the money and her children's trust fund from Oksana. If you read Oksana's emails to Mel after she and Mel broke up, Oksana was upset that Mel sided with Robyn and daughter Hannah over her (Oksana). The issue of the family trust fund in part prompted Oksana's legal battles. In the end, their agreement was that Lucia wouldn't be a beneficiary of the trust fund Mel and Robyn established for their children, and Mel would set up a separate trust fund for Lucia.
