MovieChat Forums > Richard Gere Discussion > Hachi: A Dog's Tale

Hachi: A Dog's Tale

I fell in love with Richard Gere all over again with this movie.. more than ever actually!! His performance is so believable in this movie. Even though he's obviously not the star of the movie, he gives one hell of a performance and you can tell he's really enjoying it and the way he talks about it interviews.. he feels really proud of the movie. I think it's an insult to Richard Gere and the true story of Hachiko that Sony didn't give it a theatrical release. I'm not saying it would have won a ton of Academy Awards but everyone needs to know this story and to see the movie and Gere's performance.

Real love is FOREVER!!!!


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A long time ago, I really didn't pay much attention to Richard Gere and I saw him as nothing more than an American actor. Anyway, later I saw "The Mothman Prophecies" which I liked a lot. Then, I also saw "Hachiko". I also believe he did a fantastic job on that one, too. I then remembered he had also acted very well in "And the Band Played On".
Anyway, I don't know if it's different roles he has played, him aging, me aging or all together, but I have noticed that I find him very interesting and likable(I'm not gay). There is just something in that fellow. I dare to say, to my big surprise, that if I could have lunch with anyone, he would probably be on the top list.


meb_1: I totally agree with you!!

Real love is FOREVER!!!!


You know this film twists the real Hachiko story anyways which allways bugged me. Not that its set in america rather than japan but rather what happens to the dog after his owner dies. It was noway near as bad as the film makes out. Still it was a solid performance by RG nd he was he only likeable human in it.


It was a beautiful film. Gere did a decent job and deserves credit. The story of "Hachiko" is one of the best, I am surprised Hollywood ever made a decent film like this, considering the dreck it turns out usually.

Nice to see Gere turned down "Die Hard", he seems to have some ethics, a rarity.
