MovieChat Forums > Harrison Ford Discussion > Indiana Jones movie not going to happen....

Indiana Jones movie not going to happen...

... and I'm good with that.

i. Ford is 78. COVID has shuttered the movie and cinema industry, probably for another 12 months at least. By the time the movie was ready to roll, Ford would be in his early 80s.

If they have a story where Indy plays his age, who really wants to see a croaky-voice Indy shuffling around? We wanna see whip-cracking, two-fisted Indy. Even de-aging technology can't disguise the age of the person under the digital makeup... they still move like old men.

ii. I've read that Spielberg and Lucas have left the project for others to carry out the directing and producing chores. The trio worked like a well-oiled machine and I doubt that on-set magic can be re-created with new people in the roles.

iii. The recent death of Sean Connery -- Henry Jones Sr -- must surely have Ford meditating on his own mortality. When your remaining years can likely be counted on two hands, the idea of working on a movie for two years suddenly doesn't seem meaningful.

One way out of this conundrum, it to simply use an elderly Indiana as a framing device for a movie that goes back to the late-30s and 40s. This could be the means by which they re-cast the character and continue the adventures with a different actor. Ford's participation would be limited to a week or so.

Personally, I think it would be fine to simply retire the character. We had three great movies...


hmm could go either way.. those reasons you listed vs Ford's desire to do one last Indy (and maybe one last movie) and to redeem the franchise after KOTCS (Ford will know that no one really dug it aside a few). hes wrapped up Star Wars & Blade Runner so maybe he wants to same for Indy ( if not he can always consider KOTCS as the wrap up of the Indy saga with his final appearance on film being Han Solo in the Rise of Skywalker cameo - maybe a fitting end..)


"fine to simply retire the character" yes.


One great movie. Two good movies. One turd.


I know Raiders of the Lost Ark was garbage. Temple of Doom > Last Crusade > Kingdom Skulls > Turd.


You may have some typos there.


I guess that prediction was wrong. He's doing the new movie now.


"He" is a digital persona these days. Not much Ford in the new movie!


Wow! Where did you get to see the new movie?


I have read that a significant amount of the movie was shot using a stunt double which had those tracking guides on his face and will be digitally replaced with Ford.

This was not only for the deaging but also for several scenes since Ford was injured, unavailable to shoot and the production couldn't afford keep being delayed any further.

Regarding the extent of this we will have to wait until the release.

The are several articles and photos of the stunt man on set.


