
I was born in 1969 and remember seeing Clint's films, probably from Every Which Way But Loose. I own all of his films since the birth of VHS and I/m inn the process of upgrading them to Blu-Ray. I own 6,011 films and still have and watch VHS every now and then. My question is with Sully coming out in 2016, Clint will be 86 years old. Is he trying to go out on a high note, or will he keep on working until he drops? There have been a lot of reports going around that Clint can still move around the same as a man half his age, so I'm betting on the latter? Any thoughts as to when he might hang em' up? Gene Hackman and Sean Connery must be astounded that Clint is still at it and made 2 films alone in 2014 at the age of 84? I guess this is the new benchmark in film making, work until you drop? The only reason I can of his real reason to continue making films would be because of his divorce last year and the money the golddiger got from Clint! Just my opinion/thought.


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Don't see why it should concern you whether he's still working or not.

Let the man do what he wants and worry about your own life.


Don't see why it should concern you whether someone is asking a simple question on IMDB.

Let the man do what he wants and worry about your own life.


Dont see why it should concern you someone is voicing their opinion on the IMDB

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I can't see for the life of me why people like you and the others have to be so concerned on how long is he gonna be working and see something wrong with the fact he's still going?

Can anyone give a reason why he should quit?


...and I can't see why you are so bothered that people are bothered! Honestly I am astounded at how rude people are on IMDB!

...I myself hope Mr Eastwood continues to work and I regularly look him up on here to see what projects he's involved in. It would be nice to see him front of the camera again, as I enjoyed his last two performances- with Gran Tarino being one of my favourites.


I'm sure there is someone out there hoping you continue to work as well until you drop dead and never taking any time to just sit back and relax and enjoy life and the fruits of your labor. Just keep working until you stop breathing.

How effing stupid can people be?
