MovieChat Forums > David Duchovny Discussion > Anybody know if he’s friendly or not?

Anybody know if he’s friendly or not?

He always seemed like a bit of a douche to me, I think his height is part of the reason for it, he’s 6 foot but he seems like someone who wishes he was taller.


Hard to say. I get an elite snob vibe off him.


Are you a hot young woman?


So because someone is 6ft, that implies they are a douchebag? Interesting theory.


I guess douche isn't the right word, more like a blunt smartass. I always think when someone seems unhappy/stuck up/defensive that there height is PART of the reason for it. I'm 6ft myself and have always thought that if I was 2-3 inches taller I'd be more relaxed and less defensive.


Sounds like you are the one with the height issues.


He's quite friendly when he likes you.


I'm not friendly whether people like me or not.
"Doesn't play well with others" is a T-shirt I've always disliked.
So DD either likes or dislikes us. Very helpful.
