A crook and a phony

Ugh! I Can't believe people are still falling for his schlock. A so-called "environmentalist" yet flies around on a private jet and lounges on a gas spewing yacht...steals from his charities to finance a film about corruption(the irony is too much) Hes an eccentric piece of *beep*


Go tell it to someone who cares, azz wipe!

Just a guy in Texas who loves movies. 


I agree with Chason! STFU!

I don't know one single other celebrity who gives as much as Leo does to the environment and good causes (money AND time!) and so what he uses planes and cars big f-cking deal!

Everyone else does too, but they don't give what Leo does.

So f-ck off with your griping.


Aww. Does the truth hurt your wittle feelings?


Yeah Lord Leo should team up with fellow activist Angelina Jolie. Langelina = Hollywood's new power couple.


You should team up with Angelina Brother Crabtree, then you can be 'mongalina.'


Everyone else flies around in their own private jets? Everyone else is a moralizing environmental douche like him? GTFO, it's sad how deep you must sink when taking things THIS much out of context in order to defend him.


It's actually sad that you don't. Hypocrisy is for losers, yet you clearly idolize him.

"What would you like to see on your honeymoon, Mrs. Cord?"
"Lots of lovely ceilings."


The only thing he GIVES is hot air.

"What would you like to see on your honeymoon, Mrs. Cord?"
"Lots of lovely ceilings."
