MovieChat Forums > Leonardo DiCaprio Discussion > To Leo and Men in their 40's:

To Leo and Men in their 40's:

Single aging men...
You should settle while in his 40's
because if he's 60's or 70's when he has kids
he'll be the oldest father (a grandpa looking man) in the PTA
and for little leagues
and who knows if he'll live long enough
to see his kids graduate college if he has kids in his 60's or 70's.

It's sad when there are senior citizens
who have no family
during Thanksgiving or Christmas
because they decided not to have kids at all.

Single aging men,
think about your future,
meet a lovely lady who you can be best friends with
and is a good companion and fun to be around with
and good conversationalist
and likes to do stuff you like to do so you can spend your days happy
and have a they-lived-happily-ever-after real life story!

Don't marry a supermodel simply
because she's a super model,
marry a lady you enjoy being around
and spending time with
and is decent looking that you're attracted to everyday
even if she doesn't wear make up around the house
or doesn't have perfect hair!
Search for a natural beauty
with charismatic personality like you!


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is this a song?


IT can be a song but more of a poem for now! Maybe I'll post up a Creative Music challenge on

I'm thinking about turning it into a a three part story in one complete story, (story and screenplay for it) in which a man imagines what his life would be like if he has no kids for his entire life, 2nd part of the story he imagines an alternative life in which he has his first babies in his elderly years (70's or 80's) and he imagines all the issues he has as senior citizen/elderly with raising a baby and children, or if he decides to marry his current girlfriend who has some silly issues he considers a problem, which is why he hesitates to marry her, he envisions all sorts of issues during his imagined version of their marriage together, a 3 part stories in one complete comedy story.

Any feedback or suggestions on how to make it even more interesting or funny or different kind of story. As a writer I tend write unconventional stories in not traditional format.


IT can be a song but more of a poem for now! Maybe I'll post up a Creative Music challenge on can read some of my other writing and art on

I'm thinking about turning it into a a three part story, story and screenplay for it, in which a man imagines his life if he has no kids for his entire life,or has his first babies in his 60's, or when he decides to marry his current girlfriend at 40 years old , a three part romantic comedy story.

Any feedback or suggestions on how to make it even more interesting or funny or different kind of story. As a writer I tend write unconventional stories in not traditional format.


No, we don't make children because it's bad for earth, too much polution and look at the migrants crisis, we have enough of taking care of others children if on top of that we have to make our own...

And there is no desire in a healthy man to commit to a woman, because there is too much temptations everywhere and because everyone agree that sexual freedoms is important. Also, marriage doesn't last it's a proven fact that more and more people cheat in a couple and end up breaking their relationship.

Bottom line: life is too short and the world is too open now, it's not time to marry and have children, I strongly suggest that women change their mind and adapt to the new reality, fast.


Then there's no hope for future of humanity if people stop having children!

I am not sure I believe in soul mates but I believe in marriage and commitment and it can work! Just takes work like a success in anything. You have communicate well together, set strong boundaries (like after committing not to spend alone dates or dinners or have long conversations over the phone or in persons alone with the opposite gender but collaborators in work situations it's okay to have alone time with as long as you don't spend time with colleagues in intimate situations like the bedroom, home or hotel or intimate romantic situations.

It takes a very strong minded and in control person, with excellent communication between one another in the relationship, and regular date nights together and affection for one another and being giving to one another to keep up a committed loving relationship.

When it comes to marriage,

"The reason the grass is greener on the other side is because someone is fertilizing it and watering it and constantly maintaining it."


You write very well Minnie.


See your point...but I shouldn't think to much in this...people will live their lifes how they I imagine you yourself do..
I'm curious though why people are interested in the private lifes of celebritys though..could you explain why your interested...another reason I'm asking is because whenever I use this section through always seems to be peoples comments regarding a certain actor, actress personal life or how they look etc etc..
Not so much about their movies etc
