f this guy!

how dare you disrespect one of the hardest working men


"You stupid, ignorant son of a bitch dumb bastard!"
Gene Wilder - Silver streak


You beat me to it by almost a whole day. I just found out about this. My title was going to be: LIGHTEN UP, ROBERT!
I mean, it's one thing to be passionate about your politics but to refuse to stand with someone over them? I don't like Trump or Clinton but know many people who are voting for one or the other. I'm not going to disown family and/or friends or shun co-workers over politics. I think De Niro either has a really distorted view of Trump (he's an ass but he's not Hitler) or he needs to get over himself. I won't lose sleep over this but it is kind of disappointing.


Refusing to take a picture just because one is known to be a long time republican is completely stupid. That kind of mentality is what puts mankind in reverse. He dares call Trump a mutt while he acts like one. That's right, you're the damn mutt Deniro !

You don't have to agree with someones ideology, how they talk, etc. However, you can respect them for their achievements and what they have done. Arnold is far from perfect. However, he is a very successful actor, refusing to take a picture just because he has a different political views, is very childish lol.

Me, personally, i still respect Deniro as an actor, for what he did. As an human being, beind the camera, Deniro can suck on my right nut :)


Was that event hosted in the USA or Israel?

Who goes to "Israel Defense Forces Western Regional" Gala?

I thought all Hollywood celebs were super pro Palestinian
