MovieChat Forums > Robert De Niro Discussion > Being that your career is basically over...

Being that your career is basically over... won't be missed.

Have you packed your bags yet?

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


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Good riddance! He creeps me out,anyway! ...always has.


his comedy acting is top class

give the guy a break

now you insulted him a little bit


I would hardly call it that. A career ending after 40 years is pretty much retirement.


His legacy will never be over.

And what's the problem? This is a man in his 70's who doesn't give a damn about his public image and expresses his opinion like a free man. He's no more "vocal" about his beliefs than his target.

Darth Vader is scary and I  The Godfather


"expresses his opinion like a free man"... he sure did!! "He's a dog. He's a mutt. He doesn't pay his taxes. ..."

But what gets me is that De Niro is using his bully pulpit to disseminate his vile speech. And that (stupid) people listen to him, and value his opinion. Neither you nor I get the platform that De Niro's got. All we got is a measly chat board. De Niro portrays himself as someone more knowledgeable on politics than others. I see that as wrong. He has no particular skill, or knowledge in these matters, yet he manages to talk (weak minded) people into believing him. JMHO


Right on. Send that liberal bitch packing.
