
Mr Cameron, please do something else. The greatest director of our time should do something new. Not a sequel to probably his worst work (except for piranha 2)


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If you want Cameron to read your opinion, write him a letter. Do you seriously think he wastes time on IMDB reading anonymous comments? LOL.


If you want Cameron to read your opinion, write him a letter. Do you seriously think he wastes time on IMDB reading anonymous comments? LOL.No offense but imo it's more likely that Cameron might check out what people say about him on the biggest film site and on spur of the moment decide to answer - than that he would answer a specific letter out of thousands he gets (many of which just beg for money or opportunity). Just my opinion/guess :)


Exactly. Besides I'm just voicing an opinion, which is what I thought the message boards are for. Avatar is stills very good movie but I'd just rather him go down a new route :)


It's a pity True Lies 2 will never happen.

"Last week?!? The school burnt down six years ago"-Mr. Strickland (Back To The Future Part II)
