MovieChat Forums > James Cameron Discussion > Who can contact him? Consider getting DA...

Who can contact him? Consider getting DAVID NEWMAN for Avatar sequels.

As an aspiring director/writer of movies, I like to daydream about which composers would score which of my dream projects; Horner was my favorite composer, and I still enjoy daydreaming about his score for Avatar being the score for several of my movies. It's a shame he died before I got the chance to have a score composed by him.

I just discovered David Newman's soundtrack for Tarzan (2013), and I learned that it was his first 5/5 star rating on I heard the Tarzan score, the only Newman scores I knew of were Matilda and Ice Age, and while both those soundtracks had heart and dynamic melodies, they did not feel like they had grand-scale orchestra, they didn't seem to have big variety in orchestrations. Because of this, I refused to put Newman on my list of potential composers for my movies.

But then Tarzan (2013) came along, Newman's first 5/5 star score, and has officially made me change my mind.

Newman's Tarzan score is the first time I've heard a score (by him) that has so many layers of instruments---from different instrument "families" including electronic sounds---working together to form epic-scale themes.

Here are 4 tracks from Tarzan (make sure you select HD for best sound quality):


To me, Horner was the best at combining classical old-school orchestra with modern technology. Avatar was the ultimate example of his talents, with instrumentation that blended electronic sounds with themes played in pure classical orchestra...I couldn't imagine any other composer having that kind of talent, until I heard Newman's Tarzan score.

If Cameron doesn't get Newman to score the Avatar sequels, then I'll ask Newman to score one of my dream projects (particularly one that's also about conflict between humans and aliens).


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No, don't listen to this Newman shill.
