
Avatar is like his retirement plan. So weird. He's a really good director, not a great one when compared to truly great directors, many of them dead or washed up. But he knew how to direct and could movie a picture very well. It's too bad he's retiring to cow-tow to idealistic 11th grade girls. I wanted more kick ass creative stuff that males could also relate with; older than 18.



He should really do another Terminator movie (himself) instead of this pathetic story. The Terminator franchise really needs him


I agree with you about his strange commitment to Avatar films. I too wish he would do more original stuff. I find the recent news regarding Battle Angel to be a huge bummer.

The only thing I disagree with in your post are the gender references. I'm not sure what gender has to do with anything. Cameron is a hardcore feminist, and he does female characters perhaps the best I've ever seen them done in action. The Avatar movies have little to do with 11th grade girls. I've only known grown men who adore Avatar. If these grown men are a different subgroup from yourself, that is one thing, but to pretend as if the films are aiming at some fake demographic and gender that they are not is unnecessary.

The above-poster's words I find even more foolish. After five films and only two good ones, what good is the Terminator series at this point? Why do we need more terminator films? Why don't the narratives of the first two suffice? Why can't it just be finished?

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


He made enough money to retire with Titanic and yep, he's practically using his proposed Avatar franchise as his retirement plan.

Bon Scott


We'll see how finished the franchise is once Cameron stands to make loads of money from a new movie. The guy has had 25 years to think of another good idea. And, if I were him, I would just retcon everything after T2 and start as fresh as possible. I think it would be fitting to have him make either one more Terminator or Alien movie just to show everyone that the problem with those universes is not that there are no more stories to tell, it's just that they have been in the hands of hacks for the last 25-30 years. It's the ultimate ego play. Which is why I think Cameron just might do it.


I really just can't wrap my mind around people's obsessions with seeing these two franchises continue.

Aliens and Terminator 2 are two of my most thrilling experiences of all time. They are two of the most impressive things I've ever seen. Alien and The Terminator are also two of the more brilliant, clever, impressive classics I've ever seen.

And yet still, despite all that, I don't get the point of continuing these franchises after they have limped to the finish line. Why can't the stories be finished? It's like coming up with a sequel to a Wyatt Earp story. His story is finished!

I wonder if these are some of the same people who went to see Terminator 5, Jurassic Park 4, Mad Max 4, and Poltergeist 4 in the theatres this year.

Sure, I think they should keep cranking these babies out until around the 9th sequel. You know, like Friday the 13th! Bring on part 10, baby! Terminators 6, 7, and 8 oughta be greenlit immediately. [/sarcasm]
