MovieChat Forums > James Cameron Discussion > Tempted to do Alien 5?

Tempted to do Alien 5?

Knowing that Fox was almost ready to let Blomkamp retcon Alien 3 and 4, Cameron must realize that if he were to offer to write and direct such a movie, Fox would do it in a heartbeat. Do you think he would be tempted after Avatar to fix the Alien universe?


I would be upset if he did that, since it would prettymuch confirm that he could have done Battle Angel after the Avatar sequels if he wanted, rather than giving it to Rodriguez to direct. If Cameron has time for an epic Sci-Fi flick after the Avatar sequels, it'll likely be Battle Angel

I don't see the point of continuing the Alien franchise really, especially if it involves wasting any of Cameron's abilities on it. Let it die, or leave it in fresh hands. As far as I'm concerned the "saga" might as well be finished.

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


The reason I could see it happening is that it's totally in line with Cameron's hubris. A lot of Alien 3 defenders seem to think it was the best film that could be made out of a bad situation. That Cameron left Fincher with an impossible situation. Alien is Ellen Ripley, and now we have this baggage of a sudo family with Hicks and Newt. What a mess, right? I think Cameron would love to swoop in and show us how it's done. Show everyone that there was a great movie just waiting to be made back in the 90s. But, only James Cameron was capable of carving it out of stone. That there is still plenty of interesting story to tell in the Alien universe. That he can top even the great David Fincher and Ridley Scott. (as we would now be comparing it to Prometheus) That he is still capable of the hard R sci fi fare that catapulted him into the spotlight in the first place.

Plus, the opening to Alien 3 was such a big middle finger to Cameron's work on Aliens that you have to imagine if you were Cameron you would kind of be tempted to have the last laugh by making Ripley wake up from a nightmare that was Alien 3 and beyond. How satisfying would that be? It just satisfies so many aspects of Cameron's ego, that I feel like it must be at least a little tempting.
