MovieChat Forums > Fairuza Balk Discussion > Fairuza Balk says she is leaving social ...

Fairuza Balk says she is leaving social media because of "trolls"

So the fans who struck her with truths have struck a chord in her

She said on Twitter this week that she won't be engaging in social media much this year because of it

Oh dear

All I can say is Good Riddance


You do realize that, if you don't like her Facebook messages, her Twitter messages or any social media messages she may put up, you could always not read them... I mean if you hate her that much, its a simple solution.


It's my mum who reads Fairuza's tweets regularly, not me. I am the one who can see her for what she really is, and I just came on here to discuss it


Wrong. What she actually said was that she's going to buy facebook and twitter so that she can track down trolls and sacrifice them to the gods of the internet in order to create a more benevolent and harmonious atmosphere for all.

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell


Oh shut up


interesting because your imdb post history states otherwise, but you keep on telling people that... if you believe it, they believe it, right? lmao

you are a perfect definition of a hater...

It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality...


Can you please tell me where I have ever said on my IMDB history that I admire Fairuza Balk?


trolling her page for well over a year, dude, like duh... you know who i don't like? lots of people.... you know where i never am? their imdb pages...

It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality...


Oh, tell me what she really is, I'd love to hear it. She's a great friend of mine and I'd love to hear you tell me all about her. BTW, who are you again? She's never mentioned you.
