MovieChat Forums > Woody Allen Discussion > Woody Allen & R. Kelly pretty much the s...

Woody Allen & R. Kelly pretty much the same!


I might have been interested in looking into this further had the "article" not started out with an obvious lie. Woody Allen did not marry his adopted daughter.

"Some how the white folks in Hollywood still loves and admire him."

It doesn't help that the grammar is horrible. Some how = somehow. Still loves should be still love. Forgivable in a post on a message board. Not in a published article.


From Robert Weide's open letter

#1: Soon-Yi was Woody’s daughter. False.

#2: Soon-Yi was Woody’s step-daughter. False.

#3: Soon-Yi was Woody and Mia’s adopted daughter. False. Soon-Yi was the adopted daughter of Mia Farrow and André Previn. Her full name was Soon-Yi Farrow Previn.

#4: Woody and Mia were married. False.

#5: Woody and Mia lived together. False. Woody lived in his apartment on Fifth Ave. Mia and her kids lived on Central Park West. In fact, Woody never once stayed over night at Mia’s apartment in 12 years.

#6: Woody and Mia had a common-law marriage. False. New York State does not recognize common law marriage. Even in states that do, a couple has to cohabitate for a certain number of years.

#7: Soon-Yi viewed Woody as a father figure. False. Soon-Yi saw Woody as her mother’s boyfriend. Her father figure was her adoptive father, André Previn.

#8: Soon-Yi was underage when she and Woody started having relations. False. She was either 19 or 21. (Her year of birth in Korea was undocumented, but believed to be either 1970 or ’72.)

#9: Soon-Yi was borderline retarded. Ha! She’s smart as a whip, has a degree from Columbia University and speaks more languages than you.

#10: Woody was grooming Soon-Yi from an early age to be his child bride. Oh, come on! According to court documents and Mia’s own memoir, until 1990 (when Soon-Yi was 18 or 20), Woody “had little to do with any of the Previn children, (but) had the least to do with Soon-Yi” so Mia encouraged him to spend more time with her. Woody started taking her to basketball games, and the rest is tabloid history. So he hardly “had his eye on her” from the time she was a child.

Let me add this: If anyone is creeped out by the notion of a 55-year old man becoming involved with his girlfriend’s 19-year old adopted daughter, I understand. That makes perfect sense. But why not get the facts straight? If the actual facts are so repugnant to you, then why embellish them?


Thanks ... this post should be tacked the first position in this blog, I am so tired of people amusing themselves by making shit up about Woody Allen. I totally agree with your last paragraph, it is fair to have negative feelings about Woody and the situation with Soon-Yi, but that has gone on for decades now, and it is clearly not a rape or molestation or anything but two people who decided to be together.

What I find really sickening is the relentless hate and vitriol from Mia Farrow, who has had a few children defect from her heavy-handed control and talk about what is really going on here. It seems like Mia Farrow was in an economic crunch and needed money, so she told Woody that Ronin was his son, when he is clearly Frank Sinatra's son, to get child support from him. A desperate person with no talent would do something like that, and it makes more sense and fits the facts better than Woody being a one-time child molester.


R. Kelly signs ignition! Check i out. It's hot and fresh out da kitchen!
