MovieChat Forums > Natalie Wood Discussion > Here is what happened

Here is what happened

She was drunk. She fought with her husband. She got violent and tripped and fell off the boat. He was so upset he didn't realize she had fallen into the water and when he realized she did it was too late because the boat caption was too busy getting stones and Mr. Wagner was distraught.
Why should he have to suffer because of her drunken stupor?
The trolls are playing both sides. Natalie Wood is very famous and not forgotten all these years after she accidentally went into the drink on Catalina. Saying she is forgotten is a lie.
Her husband Robert John Wagner is very famous too. He is a living legend and should be treated with respect and reverence and so should she but not at the expenses of the truth.


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It's human nature to read "conspiracy" and "foul play" into each and every terrible thing that happens. But bad circumstances, malign coincidences and accidents occur far more frequently than anything that happens through human intent.


Her real killer was Ghost-Joan....something about, "How dare you appear in that vile smear campaign The Star!!!"
A flask with the initials "JC" and a pair of F Me Pumps were found on the boat deck.


Joan also hated Natalie for doing Inside Daisy Clover, which Joan perceived as a dressed-up accusation of her own early fag-hagdom (and incipient alcoholism), as well as a general indictment of her competence in musical numbers. When Joan saw the film she swore a terrible vengeance.


She may have demanded to be taken to shore and Wagner didn't want to take her because others would see a fight had been going on, so he refused. She tried to take herself but, being drunk, fell in the water or got in the boat and couldn't handle it and drowned somehow. I don't know but usually the truth, if found, connects the dots into a clearly plausible story.

"All necessary truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


She was a bad actress got herself in a movie she couldn't handle and killed herself off.

She was not the child actress everyone knew because the child everyone knew was Katherine Hepburn/Rita Hayworth's kid who was murdered in 1969.

These people who became these fakes are interesting because they know the truth and they perpetuate this idea that the real actors are still alive.
Embarrassment for everyone involved.

The real daughter of the real Natalie is Diane Lane not Gregson and her mother never posed in playboy!!!!!!


"He was so upset he didn't realize she had fallen into the water"
makes you wonder??

I watch to learn "What u watch for?".
