MovieChat Forums > Paul Newman Discussion > Comparisons to Brando...

Comparisons to Brando...

Newman and Brando were always being compared to each other, in terms of acting ability. IMO, Brando couldn't have pulled off Butch Cassidy, or Donald Sullivan in Nobody's Fool, but could Newman have portrayed Vito Corleone as well as Brando?


I like both equally but no. I agree that Brando could not have done the roles you mentioned. I would also like to add Hud to your list.
There are roles that Brando did that Newman could never do either. The ones I'm talking about are Paul in Last Tango In Paris, Terry Molly On The Waterfront, Stanley in Streetcar Named Desire, Ken in The Men, and Mark Anthony in Julius Caesar. Their acting seems different. I could see why they could do roles the other could not.


I think that Newman could have done Stanley in Streetcar - easily. After all, he did do Williams' Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, seven years after.


No I don't agree. I know he did Cat On a Hot Tin Roof. What does that have to do with Streetcar? The characters are not even the same from what I remember.


i dont think newman would have been right for the part of don corleone.

i think they are both legendary actors in their own way, and i dont really like to compare one vs the other, because i think that brando could not have played some of the roles newman did, and at the same time newman could not have played some of the roles brando did.


i dont think you can compare them either. each had their own roles that no one else could play the way they did. so to me they are both historic hollywood legends.


@straighttoyourheart1 I have to agree with you

"why are you married to him then if you can't work with him how do you live with him?"


Newman as Don Corelone? You should be locked up for even asking that! Brando and Newman were two totally different kinds of actors. I tend to respect Newman more because Brando was all about cue cards in his roles (especially mid-60's onward). When watching Last Tango in Paris, all I can think about is Brando reading cue cards off-camera in scenes. Newman was a professional and came to the set prepared. Got to give him respect and accolades for that.

Is it okay if I do it for mom and not you? 'Cause I really like mom.


comparisons are par for the course in hollywood but there are certain parts each of them played that the other one would've ruined. Paul wouldn't have worked as Don Coreleon and Brando wouldn't have worked as Harper/ross. it's like compairing Carey Mulligan to a young Vanessa Redgrave it just doesn't work

"why are you married to him then if you can't work with him how do you live with him?"
