lots of drinking

I love Paul Newman's films, but have you notice that he(his characters) drinks a lot. I have nothing against it (I like to drink beer myself). Almost of his films for late 60's to his last films he has a drink in his hands.


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he was a drinker for decades in real life even arrested for a bar fight in college and drunk driving in 1955 but he was Sober for the last 25 years of his life. alot of the Characters he played were outcasts of some sort

"why are you married to him then if you can't work with him how do you live with him?"


I saw an interview with him, perhaps from A&E Biography or a similar type of segment... in which he admitted that the 1970's were perhaps his heaviest drinking years. Newman turned age 50 in 1975 and his only son, Scott, died of a drug overdose in 1978. I'm sure he felt the road was run, but some of his greatest triumphs as an actor still lay ahead. His performance in The Verdict, 1982, is easily one of the greatest triumphs of his career... and he should have been awarded the Oscar. It went to Ben Kingsley for Gandhi, but many feel to this day that Newman should have taken home the Academy Award for that performance - that of a once prominent attorney, now battling alcoholism, a biased judge and impossible odds to win the case of a lifetime... finding personal redemption in the process.


what did he like to drink?
12yrs the ache is still fresh like a rawangrynerve This isnt about healing Im not lookin forclosure


@Leatherringtonein Paul liked to drink Whiskey and beer mostly though he quit drinking in about 1983

"why are you married to him then if you can't work with him how do you live with him?"


He was about 58 when he quit drinking and legend has it that it started from a bad incident at the family dinner table where he swore at one of his daughters while asking her to pass the salt

"why are you married to him then if you can't work with him how do you live with him?"


He quit drinking in 1970 (he was 45) after he finished shooting "Sometimes a Great Notion".
In a 1983 interview, he said : "I gave up hard liquor because I simply couldn't handle it. We were finishing shooting "Sometimes a Great Notion". I don't know if it was the pressure of the picture (producing, directing and acting in it) but I really was out of line. It led to boorish behavior, a lot of bad stuff with cars, for instance. So I just decided to stop."
When his son died in November 1978, the students he was working with at Kenyon College brought him a bottle of whisky and he told them : "I haven't touched the hard stuff for eight years", which confirms that he stopped in 1970.
