MovieChat Forums > Paul Newman Discussion > This man was a GOD!!!!

This man was a GOD!!!!

IMO he was one of the most perfect men ever to have lived!He takes my breath away everytime he's onscreen! I'm making it a point to watch all of his movies! (though with school and work, it'll take some time) I was even lucky enough to find a man who bares a striking resemblance to him (his eyes...*sigh*...though I only just realized this, am not dating him b/c of the resemblance...just an added bonus!!) Ok, done gushing for now :) Anyone else care to gush? Floor's yours!

Keep calm and carry on


I have to agree with you and it was amazing that nobody he worked with ever said anything negative about him infact heres what Patricia Neal said in reaction to his death Somebody came in and told me that Paul had died, and I was heartbroken, because he was a beautiful man. I knew that he was a little ill, and I knew that he was probably going to die, but you know it's just so heartbreaking when one hears it of course the two of them were friends for more than 50 years

"why are you married to him then if you can't work with him how do you live with him?"


Thats soo sweet! And just the relationship he had with his wife is proof of that, it was amazing. He was a true man, in every way, a gentleman, a good husband a good actor and a good friend to everyone. He's a legend!And will live on in his films and fans

Keep calm and carry on


yes it is but don't forget he and Joanne were friends with her before they ever made Hud together from the Actors Studio infact Claire & Pat's youngest daughter Lucy are 3 1/2 months apart in age. and you know being such close friends they probably sent flowers after the strokes that nearly took Pat's life along with Lucy's. cause they cared for her so much

and don't forget in that period of time the Los Angeles times erroniously printed that Pat had died and the rumour presisted even though she lived another 45 years.

"why are you married to him then if you can't work with him how do you live with him?"


The title of this thread just struck me the wrong way I guess. Just have to say Paul Newman was not "a GOD", but he was a handsome man that could act and entertain us all. I really liked him, but to say he was "a God", I don't think even Paul would like that said about him. Even though he did a huge amount of charity work, he would probably say "a God" should be reserved for humanitarians...saints...not anyone in the acting profession.


what I said above was only an example and she's been on my mind alot since she passed away earlier in the month and it's pretty obvious how dear she and Paul were to each-other by her reaction to his passing nearly 2 years ago

"why are you married to him then if you can't work with him how do you live with him?"


Taking it literally, I would agree that I titled this thread a little strongly. But I really do appreciate his work and in my little delirious world he is a god. It was more of a personal statement. Sorry if I offended you.

Keep calm and carry on


Even though he did a huge amount of charity work, he would probably say "a God" should be reserved for humanitarians...saints...not anyone in the acting profession.

Not anyone in the acting profession? As though you cant be an actor and a humanitarian, simultaneously?



Not anyone in the acting profession? As though you cant be an actor and a humanitarian, simultaneously?



Newman was too modest to call himself a god or a saint, and while he was neither, he was a great man and lacked the star ego.
