MovieChat Forums > Alfred Hitchcock Discussion > He got me into pre 1960 films

He got me into pre 1960 films

I wasn't much of a film watcher until the age of 20 (2002) when I started my first period of intense film watching which lasted a couple of years. In that time I was sketchy in terms of pre 1980 and didn't watch much 60s stuff at all. Psycho was the earliest film I watched in the period (and the only Hitchcock). In my younger days I had only watched 3 pre 60s films (Wizard of Oz and Peter Pan from my childhood and Animal Farm in last year of school in English class) that I could remember, may have been others. Anyway I didn't watch much from 2005 to 2007, started watching again in 2008 but it took a couple of years before I looked at anything pre 1960. I had become interested in Hitchcock with Psycho being one of my favorite films. I watched the Birds first because it was a horror and I hoped he had other horror films but he didn't. But Vertigo and North by Northwest looked very interesting so I shook off my pre 1960 bias and got watching. This drew me into more of his films and slowly I became interested in other early directors although it was predominantly Hitch for a while (I think at one stage I had seen 20 pre 1960 films and he had directed 14 of them) but as I started running out of his major stuff there became more and more older films I wanted to see and I have now watched 84 from the era, still pretty paltry but got most of the big ones like Citizen Kane and Casablanca out of the way and still seeking old films to add to what I've seen.
