

One heck of a solid picture, but unfortunately, Spellbound only sets its sights in the middle of my radar and never reaches for anything higher. It’s satisfied with being satisfactory. Bergman is dependable with her acting here, but Gregory Peck is the real star in my opinion. It’s either a hit or miss performance; for me, he gave an arresting performance. Michael Chekhov is lively in his supporting role, too. Hitchcock doesn’t attack the material, almost like his focus wasn’t there the entire time, but he doesn’t do anything wrong. The film’s strongest area is the score; the dramatic music echoes the motivations of the characters. The twisty ending is a nice way to conclude the picture. Spellbound is good, but no where near great. It’s uncanny to me that Hitchcock was nominated for his work here, but not for Vertigo, The Birds, or any other wonderful work.

Rating: 7.5/10

Grade: B+

Feel the Films: A Blog by R.C.S. -> http://feelthefilms.wordpress.com/


this is an interesting review of the film also



She carried the whole film. Peck was still a bit amateurish and naive at that time in his career.
