MovieChat Forums > Lauren Bacall Discussion > Why does she always criticise modernity?

Why does she always criticise modernity?

I really like Lauren Bacall but why does she always complain about contemporary Hollywood. Truly, we are living in a very grim time (that is what our films have reflected) but even the 1940s and 1950s were all about conformity. I saw Bacall on The Martha Stewart Show and she said something about how she can't stand all the young actresses of today with the same hairstyle and way of dress--they look all the same. She goes on to say that actresses in her day each had their own identity. She always comments on movies today which she says are "artless".

We often look back with nostalgia on the 40s and 50s but they were just the same as today. You take all those people who are in their 80s now and put them in our position and you get the same crap. We just live with different sensibilities now. Also, agents and producers had more control over actors in Lauren's time where they often controlled every part of their physical appearance, maybe that is why they all looked "so good and different".


I like Bacall but she does tend to be a grumpy old woman at times. Yet it's fine to hear her nitpick because she gives the present Hollywood a reality check. Jackie Cooper once directed her in a TV movie back in the 1970s and in his bio he said she was living too much in the past -- and to think they're contemporaries.

Still, Bacall has earned the right to bitch about for as long as she wants. As Raquel Welch said of her, Lauren is very regal and her strong personalty presented a message that seemed to say, I am what I am, you can take it or leave it.


Yea but still, she is the epitome of Old Hollywood.

Apparently, we live in grim times and whenever we see anything from the era from yesteryear, we think it was so good.

So that's why I think a lot of people would tend to believe Bacall's rants about modern celebrity based on the fact that she is so Old Hollywood=good old natural days. The only thing good about those days was that film-goers tended to want to believe instead of how skeptical we are nowadays. And when we watch any type of footage from those times, we see the perspective of those people and their sensibilities even if we are using our own eyes to view them.


What you wrote was very interesting. By the way, it must have been difficult for Raquel Welch to have been gracious about Bacall considering she didn't want Raquel to replace her in Woman of the Year. Yet the producers hired Raquel and Bacall was said to be very upset. According to TIME magazine, Bacall refused to pose with Raquel for publicity pictures. But I guess Raquel took this in stride -- and perhaps she was flattered by the fact that a legend like Lauren didn't just see Raquel as a mere sex symbol but as someone who could actually steal the show. And considering how outspoken the two are, they've been nice enough not to say anything derogatory towards each other since then. After all, the show did do wonders to both their careers.


I think it's rather difficult to find an 82 year old that DOESN'T harken back to the "good old days", no matter what profession they're in. That was her era, and the present is not. I'm nowhere near her age, but I'll still find myself listening to a song on the radio from my high school days that I would have scoffed at when it was new; now, I listen to it for the sole reason that it reminds me of my youth. It's mostly a matter of nostolgia.


Members of the greatest generation always bitch about everything. Your grandparents probably do the same thing, just not necessarily about movies.



Because she was born in 1924 & was/is very CLASSY as opposed to most actress's are pushed to be trashy--soooo boring.




Because she CAN.
She has been in the industry long enough to have any opinion she likes.
But what she says is very true.
