Way too overhyped

I kept hearing about this movie so I decided to check it out. You guys need to stop over hyping movies. It wasn't even that good. How the hell it has an 8 rating on imdb is beyond me. Wasn't this suppose to be a horror? Cause it didn't come across as one. Also people are making this movie about race when it should be about how fucked up this family is. You could change the race to anything and this family would still be fucked up.


It's really a thriller - not horror. People confuse horror with slasher films and thrillers.

You're missing the point that the white people in the community were racists against black people even thought the family was in denial which is typical of racists' behavior. Most racism is very subtle and I thought the film did a good job in how they portrayed the various forms of it. I'd give the film a 9.5 for originality and acting. And it did make me jump a few times.


I agree with you. I think the OP is just looking for a reason to bash the movie. I thought it was very good also. If she didn't like it that's fine, but if people see a movie and like it and want to talk about how good it is they have every right to do so.

"Also people are making this movie about race when it should be about how fucked up this family is."

Did we watch the same movie? Because the family and the community specifically targeted black people and they explained why, so no you couldn't change the ethnicity to anything. If you're going to bash a movie at least pay attention and get your facts right.


It's getting most of it's praise for 2 reasons. The first is that it's a satire about the biggest racists of today. The second is that it's pretty creepy while doing so in a Stepford Wives kinda way. It's not really a horror movie so much as is it a thriller but I feel like satire and thriller are handled really well here.

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