Please refresh my memory?

What was mike doing out in the desert with a rifle?

Any clarification will be appreciated.



He went out to try to assassinate Hector Salamanca.


I think an hour of "previouslies" would have been very welcome.


I finally broke down and re-watched the last ep of the last season. Then re-watched the new one.

The Mike in the desert thing still wasn't clear tho, lol.


Against Mike's conscience, he had taken Hector's "offer you can't refuse" to accept a bribe (and the lives of his granddaughter and daughter-in-law) in return for lying to the cops to save Tuco from jail on the gun charge.

Mike then robbed one of Hector's trucks, and left the driver bound at the side of the road, hoping the scene would get handled by the police and ultimately incriminate Hector.

As Nacho later explains to Mike, the driver was actually freed by a good samaritan. The driver called in Hector's people, who cleaned up the scene without any police attention, including Hector personally murdering the good samaritan. And Nacho knows Mike was behind it.

So Hector is still a free man, and at least one person realizes Mike is the guy who held up the truck. And Hector killed an innocent man as a result of Mike's actions. This together with the existing bad blood between Mike and Hector, and the continuing potential for Hector to mess with Mike's family, leads Mike to the conclusion that Hector has to be terminated.

I think it's intimated that Hector's murder of the samaritan was the final straw for Mike.


Thanks...I forgot almost ALL of that due to season gap!


Well-written summary. My thanks. The episode gap created a fog in my mind as well. As Jennie said above, a few minutes of memory joggers would have been nice.


Yup. Mike doesn't have Hollywood values.


Ernie-- terrific summary. I remembered he had bad blood with Hector and was gunning for him when he saw the "don't" note, but I just forgot all the above details.


+1 Much appreciated!
