Douchiest joker?

Which guy do you think would be the biggest douchebag if you encountered them in the real world?

My guess would be Sal, the way he got pissed at the kids who kept messing up the prank and the way he was snapping at people when he got stuck in the elevator makes me think he wouldn't be fun to ask for an autograph from. Joe is probably up there too, though he seems like the type that would smile and sign an autograph but start mocking you when you turn your back. Regardless, I still think he'd sign an autograph, whereas I can easily see Sal going "get that out of my face".


Sal. Never liked him. Mostly because he's a germophobe, but also because he seems like such a whiney little bitch.


Joe would be because he has no shame when he has the punishments.


I would have said Joe at first. but now I think I'd say Sal. Definitely Sal.

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


Good points about Sal in the elevator. He was also a bit douchey in the clip where he had to see the government official about climbing on the statue. In both cases he supposedly didn't know he was being filmed.


Sal, maybe Q.


Sal is also pretty douchy on Twitter sometimes, including when he recently revealed how he's pretty much acting like a spoiled brat, just because he didn't get what he wanted. Oh, boo hoo, poor you! I didn't get what I wanted two times in a row, did ya see ME carrying on like a frigging child? NO, I shrugged my shoulders and went on with my life! Like those kids said in Virtual Insanity, "Dude, you're 40!"

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


In real life, Joe is lovely-and pretty much what you see if what you get. he comes over and sees you and takes photos and signs things. he also can control a crowd. Murr is the most friendly, in that he will be out there for hours (and I have witnessed this) and their crew sometimes has to move him along as they have to go. he always seems so happy to see his fans and makes them feel welcome.


Yeah, I heard that when they were in London Murr actually took a later flight then the others because he hung around after the punishment and tried to talk to all the people in the crowd, signed autographs, and tried to get pictures with all of them.

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


No he went to Ireland so had a later flight. The others went back to New York and had to go straight to airport.


Well, it was still sweet of him to stay and try to take selfies and have chats with everybody! :)

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


Yah I always figured Murr would be the friendliest joker. I read something on Reddit saying a 16-year-old teen ran into him at a movie theater and they talked for like 30 minutes before the teen asked for his snapchat. To his shock, not only did he get his snapchat, but Murr actually started following him too. Stuff like that is really cool.


Aww, it's things like that which convince me they are completely teasing him about being a douche because he is so not. While I don't know them, I doubt any of them are douches.


Another thing about Sal - when he's in those "haunted" type punishments, he usually acts like a douche. I think he called a little girl a "bitch" and he usually threatens to punch anybody who jumps out at him.


I don't see that in Joe; I think Joe is a good guy just wanting to make people laugh. Sal is my favorite though...I see a certain sweetness in him even though he acts douchey. Q, he's the man. He's the only one who would come across as douchey if you hate standoffishness and sarcasm, but I like sarcasm. And Murr, he's adorable!


Yah I agree Joe is definitely a good guy trying to make people laugh, but I feel like he'd be the type who wouldn't know when to stop and would turn a funny situation into something really serious.


Hmmm, yeah, you may be right about that.


I'd probably say Sal. He just seems to get annoyed at many things throughout most episodes, such as germs or Murr.


Agreed that Joe sometimes takes things too far. The tattoo punishment comes to mind. Murr permanently has a ferret on him and Sal ended up with a tattoo of Jayden Smith on his thigh.


I like Sal but yeah... he's probably the least likeable.


They're all different but that's part of their charm. Joe is the type to push buttons and bug you for fun, Sal is OCD which is why pranks on him are funny, Murr is the most likeable, I didn't think he was funny at first but he grows on you, and Q is the sarcastic type.

Reeboot and re-imagine are just silly euphemistic excuses for the dirty word remake.
