The truth comes out...

Michael Moore's net worth is $50 million. He owns 9 homes, one is a $2 million lake front mansion. Capitalism is evil, unless he's using it to make his fortune. He's certainly not part of the 1%, he's part of the .01%. What a hypocrite...



Where is the OPs source on any of this?


I'm copy/pasting another response bc it fits just as well here:

Did he move factories offsoil to minimize production costs? Did he shut down the main industry of whole cities and cause them to wither and die? Did he cut benefits and freeze wages in order to maximize profits? NO, NO, and NO.

Just bc he's made money as a filmmaker, you're equating him with all the corporations who have the done the above and are thus negating his argument. Since you've completely missed the whole point of his film, I'll state it for you: Capitalism at the expense of people's well-being is not a good thing and it is the ruination of America.

Would it be fair to assume that bc you're attacking the messenger, that you disagree with his message? Are you on the side of the companies whose actions bankrupt families, foreclose houses, etc etc etc etc? Are you in favour of the widening gap between rich and poor?
