Star Crash....

Only 2 pages? Let's get this board filled up.
"Star Crash" with the Hoff, Caroline Munro, Marjoe Gortner, and Christopher Plummer is a feast of badness!


Star Crash is awesome nonsense. Caroline Munro's character is not only a gorgeous badass, but I think its a shame the character was never given more movies, a series, a comic, etc. could have made a great, cheesy spinoff (even now, if they did comics).

But Star Crash I will always remember for Christopher Plummer as the emperor at the end, when he pulls the most random superpower out of his ass like its nothing, when he calls his flagship to politely ask if they'd "Stop the flow of time"!!! Even better, he explains this when asked with a simple "You don't get to be emperor without a few tricks." I nearly wet myself laughing!
