MovieChat Forums > Filmmaking Gear > Does anyone know what this is called

Does anyone know what this is called

The card itself and not the show on it



Not sure what you mean. I see a frame from what appears to be a countdown leader, presumably for a children's game show. Back in olden times a videotape operator would manually start a VTR to play back a video tape for broadcast, and use the leader as a guide to synchronize the tape so that it played at a predetermined time. These days (at least here in the US) it's all done with computers. The last time I was in a master control room, there were no people, just racks of computers.

I don't see anything that I'd call a "card", so I hope that answers your question. The photo shown on that web page appears to be a screen grab of a video player applet of the kind that's used with web browsers. The image inside that player is a single frame from a video leader that I described above. The actual video graphics are computer generated. In the business we call it "Chyron" which is the name of the most popular CGI maker back when computer imagery was a new and sexy thing.


Thank you for that information the thing it's self I found out is called a "VT countdown clock" but that was interesting.

